South Viswall

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South Viswall

Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Carmine CourtThe Carmine Court was the southernmost pier of Rainbow Hall, the palace-bridge of the Kingdom of Viswall. When King Callum síl Vis called on Redfoot and Bluefoot halflings to rise up against their war-weakened masters in 1421, he did so from the court’s throne room, the city’s proud nobles cheering his proclamation. Alas, Lorent and Gawed put aside their long-standing rivalry to crush the revolt, sacking the city in 1423 and destroying the Rainbow Hall, the last of the royal síl Vis line and their gentry supporters purportedly drowning in the Widderoy as it fell.\n\nDespite this, the Carmine Court survived, and South Viswall mayors continued to use the building to regale the remaining nobles of the city as well as their Lorentish masters over fine Hafling feasts and exuberant music. It should be no surprise that those wishing to restore the House of Vis crowned King Tippin síl Vis here during the Small Country Rebellion in their attempt to unite the Small Kingdom under a monarch.
-10% Advisor Cost

Madderbloom GardensFollowing the city’s sacking, visiting Lorentish nobles decided to use the destruction as an opportunity for Viswall’s beautification. Resplendent gardens of warm-colored flowers were built all over South Viswall, with the most famous of these being the Madderbloom Gardens. Built as a park open to nobles and commoners alike, it was a common sight for the local Visfoots to appeal to their Lorentish sovereigns over long meandering walks along its terraced beds of marigolds, chrysanthemums, and, of course, roses.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Shadowhand’s LegacyThe first King of Viswall, Finnic Shadowhand, was born in the run-down district of Ochreham. Tales of his heroic exploits during the War of the Sorcerer-King—lying to Mafalda the Mad to hide Taranath Seerslayer, sneaking into Bal Vertesk, stealing the Sorcerer-King’s staff—spread quickly throughout his old neighborhood and beyond, inspiring generations upon generations of young halflings to imitate his roguish example. Unsurprisingly, they also imitate Finnic’s friendship with other races, with tallfolk adventurers and mercenaries intermingling with the most daring of Visfoots. Even with attempts to clean-up the district’s reputation, South Viswallers know to go to Ochreham if you need deft hand or a strong arm to get things done.
+15% Mercenary Manpower
-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Jellied EelsRapid industrialization in South Viswall caused the local population to boom, turning the outer neighborhood of Lime Quay into an overcrowded slum and straining the city’s food supplies. Faced with the phantom threat of starvation, the poor citizens of Lime Quay took to fishing the plentiful eels in the Widderoy to feed themselves—though not without the usual Halfling culinary touch. The chopped eels are boiled with spiced stock and lemon juice then chilled, turning into a savory jelly to be served with a sprinkling of vinegar and white pepper. This delicacy remains a South Viswall staple, keeping its growing working class well-fed.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Off WallDuring the Sack of Viswall, a southern section of its city wall was breached and destroyed by magic. Rebuilt by foreign Ruby Dwarves with newer technology to be stronger, the color-sensitive Viswallers were dismayed to find that the new section of the wall was made with an off-white stone. Dubbed the "Off Wall", its mismatching coloration proved a boon to the city’s defenses; as a very visible break in the old wall, enemy attention was often drawn to it, diverting their attacks from the weaker old walls that surround it.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Chimney CheerThe growth of Viswall’s industry came with the building of additional homes outfitted with complex vents and winding chimneys, increasing the risk of deadly fires. While human cities tended to tackle the problem with child workers, then-Mayor Robert Cheertree disdained the practice and instead promoted hiring similarly-sized adult halfling chimneysweeps to tackle the dangerous task. With a touch of halfling charm (and strictly-enforced labor laws), South Viswall’s chimneysweeps were soon regarded as the city’s "everyday heroes" and even found their services requested in tallfolk cities. Meeting a halfling chimneysweep and shaking their hand as sign of good luck derived from Cheertree’s reforms.
-1% Prestige Decay

Foggins Museum of Ancient HistoryFortinbras Foggins, a wealthy gentleman known for collecting Old Halfling artifacts, opened the Foggins Museum of Ancient History in 1776 as the first public museum in the Small Country. Using guided tours and plaques to help educate visitors on the overlooked history of the halflings, the museum served as a way to disseminate knowledge gleaned from archaeology beyond the collections of the rich and the jealously-guarded libraries of higher education.
-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost

-10% Construction Cost


