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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The SkullThe vassal chiefs of Cheshoshoanta are a grotesque arrangement. Sitting high in their Bone Citadel the High Chief of Cheshoshoanta sent the vassal tribes out to fight, die and return tribe to the Bone Citadel. Most horrific of this arrangement is the penalty for failing to pay tribute.\n\nDuring our time under Cheshoshoanta, we fought alongside the Shofa and Dokanto against the Boek, but our tribe was unable to seize any land for ourselves and we were thus unable to pay our tribute. Once word of this reached the High Chief Err'ir of Cheshoshoanta our tribe was recalled to the Bone Citadel. Before our return it the High Chief's son Tiren'do, along with a small company of warriors, rode out to escort us. During the trip one let slip that we were to take the place of the tribute we had failed to deliver.\n\nWe let Err'ir know what we thought of this plan, and he grieved deeply for the loss of his only son.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

The Silent JungleIn response to the death of his son Err'ir sent a war party after our tribe, made up of Cheshoshoanta's own warriors.\n\nWhilst our tribe was outnumbered we held 2 key advantages over the war party: Experienced warriors fresh from having fought the Boek, and the jungle itself.\n\nConcealed within the jungle our warriors were invisible to the enemy until it was too late, surprised and surrounded they stood no chance, and were easily routed.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Gifts from the FacelessRecently, we have made contact with a strange tribes on the other side of the great cliff. Thanks to their peculiar habit of hiding their faces behind masks our people have taken to calling them the Faceless.\n\nOne of the most notable gifts our people have received from these tribes is a beast known as a "horse" which the Faceless use for their wars and to replace the need for manual labour. Thanks to the thick forest our tribe lives in we have little use for the former, however the latter is of great use to us.
+10% Production Efficiency

An Army without a HomeThe Soru have long been at war with the other Cheshoshi, and most within our tribe know nothing of the time our tribe spent as a vassal of Cheshoshoanta. Constantly on the move, always ready for a fight our people cannot rest in one place for long and we have grown to become something of a travelling army.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

No More"Neratica claims to reject the teachings of the Death Cult and yet these words do not ring true. They stand in the temple to Cheshosh, where many were declared unfit for Cheshosh and put to death for Cheshosh's glory. Where they hold trials against our people and have them executed in this Nerat's name. Where the Soru were once declared, by the High Chief of Cheshoshoanta, to be traitors. And where they now declare us heretics and to be put to death.\n\nWhat is happening here is nothing more than a cruel imitation of what has happened here in the past. What has been happening for endless eons.\n\nThis is not the first time the Soru have faced such a fate, long have we run from death. And now death, once again, shows his face, but this time the Soru will not flee. For too long have we been forced to run; today Soru runs no more." - Teler'osan before the clash with Neratican forces.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Two Faces of DeathFor many years the Cheshoshi have known of the first face of death. A vengeful god who seeks to destroy all those who reject his embrace. However the Soru, with the sparing of their tribe by the Onyx Legion, have come to know the second face of death. A just god who seeks only to do what is right and to protect his people. The other Cheshoshi embraced only the first, and that is why they fell, however the Soru have long known both faces of Cheshosh, or Nerat as some have taken to calling him.
-1 National Unrest

Onyx BonesOne of the primary roles filled by the Soru within Neratica was a military one, with a special detachment, known as the Onyx Bones, being formed out Cheshoshi soldiers. The Onyx Bones are a formidable force, with some Cheshoshi claiming their discipline rivals that of the Onyx Legion of old.
+5% Discipline

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition


