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Primary Culture

+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+10% Ship Durability

Protect Against The HorselordsIn a time before Sorncóst, across the Southern Flats horses reigned king. The Entebic peoples and whoever followed in their step used their mighty steeds to ride out and vanquish countless kingdoms. Many fell to their blade as they traveled all across Lencenor.\n\nWhen they arrived in present day Sorncóst, however, they soon realized that something was different. The flatlands that their horses loved and grazed merged into steep hills and mountains. They had reached the Southrange, a blessing for all Sormanni, and what are now known as the Sornhills. The Sormanni Kingdom was established, predecessor of Sorncóst, itself, as they settled down in the safety of their mountains. Time and time again Entebic raiders rode up the hills and came back down running. Even when they managed to break into the low-lying farms and heartlands, victory was an arduous task, as the Sormanni constructed forts on even the smallest of hills and armed them to the teeth.\n\nThus, the Sormanni Kingdom was able to beat back the best of the horse riders. The Southrange remained an impenetrable fortress in the lowlands of Lencenor, standing high above the plains below.
+15% Fort Defence

Ancient Lencori TiesFor hundreds of years, the Sorncósti have remained with a strong nation, whether subjugated or independent. Before that, the Sormanni peoples situated themselves upon the hills and established their presence. The relative isolation of the Sormanni made cultural shifts slow in comparison to peoples like the Crovanni. Their people have seen empires rise and fall, new traditions come and go, all throughout countless generations. They have withstood the machinations of Castanor and the hand of the Damerian Republic, and when Nichmer rose and invaded Lencenor, Sorncóst was the only part of the land untouched by the ravages of war.\nDuring all of this time, the Sorncósti have strengthened the ties to their land and culture. Traditions whose origins are long forgotten and families whose lineage cannot be traced remain prominent. These traditions and names and cryptic houses and old spears and banners from wars of a different era; all remain close to the Sorncósti.\n\nWhile their neighbors in Lencenor remain in a constant flow of change, Sorncóst has managed to stand solid. They remain the one true tie to the past long forgotten by many, and they are proud to be so.
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Yearly Prestige

Wine Merchants of the DivenhalShips sail for miles from the Sorncósti coast to deliver the most pristine of wines across the Divenhal. Across the sea, hundreds of buyers every day wait at port to see the Sorncósti merchant fleet arrive.\n\nCountless ships dedicated to the wine trade are sponsored by Sorncósti merchants to sell their products across the Dameshead, and even established ties in Bulwar. They leave Sornbay early in the morning laden with hundreds of wine bottles and barrels, each inspected for infection and with their dates labeled. They land in countless ports, with the Sorncósti white and red banner waving overhead. \n\nThese operations are the largest amongst the winelords, outside of the dedicated merchants of Wineport. Sorncóst’s large expanse of fertile land, and strategic position allows them an advantage in the wine trade, especially in warmer regions where the bitter flavor of Sorncóst Rose can be appreciated alongside the local cuisine. \n\nThe Sorncósti fleet is said to be the pride and treasure of the Sornbay, and once the fleet returns home, the city shouts and cheers for another successful journey across the Divenhal.
+15% Ship Trade Power
-10% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Sorncóst VinesThe lands of Sorncóst, while partially mountainous, remain perfect for growing the most pristine grapes for their wine. Some say its the soil they stand upon, others say its the rich climate. Angry merchants from Wineport will say that the Sorncósti will use magics to cheat their wine into tasting good, while the Sorncósti will simply say they have the best vintners across Cannor.\n\nIn reality, all of these could be true, but one fact is often overlooked: Sorncóst has remained the most knowledgeable when it comes to growing their vines. For hundreds of years the Sorncósti have honed the craft of growing the perfect grapes even in the most rough of terrain. The understanding of how the vines grow, when it is best to harvest, how they handle infection and pests, and why they may rot allows for efficient collection of the most perfect grapes. Thus, a Sorncósti vineyard may produce up to double the amount of one from Lorent, and at a much higher quality.
+10% Production Efficiency

Sorncósti ParadiseLorentish overreach in Sorncóst has always been considered a huge threat, from the days of Lorenan the Great to the Siloriel monarchs of today. When Sorncóst was forced to swear fealty to the kings in Lorentainé and their expanding empire, they looked overseas to Aelantir, not only as an escape, but as an opportunity to reforge home.\n\nIt began first with disorganized attempts at founding colonies, with some like the Sornic Sons staying and establishing new nations. Soon after, nobles began funding expansive settlements, and the Duke himself sponsored existing colonies for the Sorncósti peoples. Soon, ships made voyages from Sornbay to colonies in Sarhal and Aelantir alike. These colonies served Sorncóst at a distance from the Ruby Crown’s influence, in which settlers worked without the encroachment of the Lorentish. Vineyards were established, cities constructed, and growth encouraged. The colonies brought in plenty of rewards, whether it be in wine or relics. Most notably, special types of wines from different regions outside of Cannor were brought in, furthering Sorncóst’s wine trade.\n\nWhile ultimately, these colonies were brought into Lorent just like Sorncóst proper, they remained distant from their overlords, and found peace in self-exile.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Through the GrapevineSorncóst has a history with spies. A tale from legend states that Sorncósti spies gained importance when King Petran sent hundreds of them out to spy upon his wife, after hearing stories of her scandalous affairs. Whether rumor or not, Sorncósti spies have gained a reputation for being some of the best informants in Cannor, no matter what blockades them. They serve the Sorncósti king with loyalty, trained in skills passed down from generations, said to comprise an organized unit known as "Petran’s Myriad." Founded sometime around the 1200s, they are said to venture out across Cannor and keep watch in Sorncóst, keeping track of Anbennarian politics and swaying events when needed.\n\nSome tales say that they were present days before the Battle of Moon Council, and others claim they heard of spies in Gawed stalking their armies before the Third Gawedi-Lorenti War of Dominion.\n\nMany claim this hearsay, but the number of rumors, tales, and histories surrounding the Myriad and Sorncósti spies as a whole has made them legendary. Their use by the kings of Sorncóst, whether for tyranny or for justice, is done with pride in secrecy.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Rot King's VinesThe Rule of Alcuin is one of the most infamous of all of Lencenor. In a kingdom of isolation and calm, his rise to power greatly disrupted the Sorncosti way of life.\n\nBeginning from promising roots, Alcuin was raised a proper noble Soarnaire, and received the best education in Sorncost and eventually even universities abroad. During his time away though, he had become a drastically different man. Not even a few days after his return, his father was found dead on the court floor, with Alcuin sitting upon the throne with a large military escort. Within a few months, Alcuin had completely seized power in Sorncost. Young, ambitious, yet overly cautious, Alcuin began his rule by changing many fundamental aspects of life in Sorncost. He opened up Sorncost to the gates of global politics, breaking through centuries of prosperous isolation. He took a direct hand into the wine trade, which was seen as invasive to many. He replaced many elected officials with his own loyal subordinates. Most notably, was his decision to give the island of Venáil to the elves as a gift, which became a sparking point for conflict.\n\nSeeing this corruption, a disdain grew amongst the Sorncosti to their king. As more and more voices rose to speak up, Alcuin’s caution turned into heavy paranoia. Soon, people began noticing that officials who were openly against Alcuin were disappearing, and houses were burned. Screams could be heard from the local prison at night, and there were even reports of Petran’s Myriad breaking into homes and taking their owners away. Two years of torment lasted, and ultimately, on the last day of Alcuin’s rule, the Sorncosti people revolted, and hung their tyrant from a spear at the balcony of the castle of House Sorncost. His reign left a lasting impact on the country though, with the people having to pick up the scraps of the remnants of his regime until years later. Sorncost would never fully recover though, as they fell into the sphere of Lorent not soon after.
-2 National Unrest

+15% Trade Efficiency


