Skaldskolan Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

In Days of YoreIn ancient days Gerudia was blanketed in thick layers of ice: all was frozen and desolate. Giants ruled over these lands, with little for us to live by. Urvik and Olav, fathers of Olavlund and all of Gerudia, settled these lands in those cold and bleak times. Our oldest tales cite that they fought waves of murderous trolls intent on destroying the Gerudians, yet over the years it has become clear that our early history with them is far more complex. From the oldest settlements along the coast such as Urviksten and Sporreyn, the Gerudians served the waning kingdoms of the Frost Giants alongside their Troll watchdogs.\n\nNestled in the steep valleys at the foot of the Titan’s Rest Mountains, Skaldol has long endured as a sacred site to Gerudians, thrice rebuilt in different ages. As much as times change, from the decline of the ice giants in aeons past to the death of Castanor itself, the mountains and coasts of Gerudia still fall yearly to Elkaesal’s wintry wrath. It is in Skaldol that the first snowflakes fall, and the last of the snow melts. Singing of these murky and forgotten times, the biting cold of winter may be enticed to freeze would-be despoilers of Skaldol, as shown to great effect with the Ice-Pillar of Torbjold fran Rosstavik.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

To Drive the Cold AwayEver since Elkaesal the White was lulled aslumber, Skaldskola has stood as the beating heart of the Skaldhyrric Faith. Within these ancient halls, countless generations have pondered and recited the hardships and triumphs of our people. With each phrase spoken aloud in both the Gerudian tongue and a long-forgotten speech, the memories of these tales become manifest once more.\n\nWhile it is our foremost duty to keep the dread dragon aslumber with the Old Winter Lullaby, each tale of the past has its own significance to Gerudian society. The Dragon and the Skald, the recounting of the One-Armed Skald’s fateful encounter with Elkaesal, is sung to herald the end of winter and warm even the bitterest winters, a matter of survival for Gerudia. But there are both tales older, and younger, than these most important of accountings, recounted by lone hamlets and lonesome ship crews. As Skalds, rememberers of all the great deeds, it is our duty to record and preserve this history.
-10% Idea Cost

The Dragon and the SkaldListen well! Ruin befell the people of Urvik and Olav, frozen by the dread dragon Elkaesal. Cerulean eyes gazed on Gerudia of old with malice, hating the forests and rivers and villages equally. Icy scales borne by wings clear as mica sheets flew over Gerudia, from the Giant’s Grave Sea to Algrar, leaving behind an otherworldly frost which could not be melted by the fiercest of fires. The draconic rime grew across the land like a fungus over a felled tree, freezing the very land itself.\n\nElkaesal the White watched in delight as the world around her fell into an endless winter. The holds of the Ebonsteel Kings were abandoned and lost under the snowfall, and all who could left Gerudia for lands not yet frozen. Determined to slay the wyrm, the greatest of heroes banded together to save their land! With axe and spear, bow and shield, these great men and women traversed the frigid land, following the trail of Elkaesal. Finally, in the heights of the Titan’s Rest Mountains, they found the dragon’s lair. Within a glaciated cave they intercepted the dragon, attacking with cunning, brawn, and zeal! One by one, the last heroes of Gerudia perished.\n\nBut not all was lost. Following behind, late to the battle, the One-Armed Skald and his students prepared to make their own stand. The Skald entered the cave alone, witnessing the dreadful scene of the slain heroes atop the plundered and frozen treasures of Gerudia. Under the dreadful gaze of Elkaesal’s baleful eyes, the One-Armed Skald began to sing a deep, soothing song - a tale of the dragons long ago. With each verse of the rise and fall of dragonkind, Elkaesal calmed and became drowsy, soon falling asleep into a deep slumber. With the dragon aslumber, the One-Armed Skald emerged from the cave to the First Thaw, the endless winter ended.
+1 Missionaries

Mentors of LegendsAs old as time itself, it is said that the Titan’s Rest Mountains and the Giant’s Grave Sea are the bones and blood of the fallen Frost Giants. Whether burned and drowned by dragon’s fire, or felled by the axe of Gjalund, the rule of Giantkind has long since ended. Inscribed in runes, the tales of the earliest Gerudians have endured on ancient stones. Countless fearsome beasts prowl the forests and fjords, from lindwurms to trolls and werebears, all of which commit great evil before being slain by a valiant einher. From the dawn of time to now, these heroes have not only had their stories recorded and sung by skalds, but have also been mentored by them in the ways of war and life.\n\nBehind Bera, founder of Bjarnrík, were the skalds who fought the Trolls with song and spear. Behind Castan Ebonfrost were the skalds who terrified the Castanorians with our magic. With our guidance, kingdoms have risen. Those who set us aside have failed, fallen to history without our wisdom - Black Castanor set aside our guidance for those of the absent southern gods. Skaldskola has long been the mentor in the shadows of the hero - it is time to be our own legend.
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Drowned GiantsThe Giant’s Grave Sea, the great gulf that separates Gerudia from the lands to the south, hides great secrets of the past seldom seen. Beneath the ever-churning waves on the frigid sea floor, the remains of the Frost Giants’ civilization from long ago are buried under seaweed and mussels. While their magnificent ice-palaces have long since melted, these stone ruins are extensive around the still-standing towers of the Giant’s Manse.\n\nFrom these lonely islands, skalds have long studied the realm of the drowned giants. Whether meditating serenely, braving the cold waters, or echoing the crescendos of the waves, Skaldskolans have attuned themselves to the ways of the sea in their search for knowledge of the past.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

The Circles of Skalds FoundedAll snows melt, rivers thaw, and rivers flow with life; The frozen land is given life anew. When the One-Armed Skald left Elkaesal’s lair, the land awoke for the first time in years from the dread winter. Long-dormant seeds sprouted, enduring trees spread cones, and beasts of the land returned. For some time, only the One-Armed Skald and his few disciples walked the awakening land, witnessing the return of all life. For months they exchanged stories of the old world, but also spoke of the future.\n\nThe First Thaw of the snow and the blossom of flowers is celebrated as the start of the new year in Gerudia. It was then that the first Skaldhyrrics organized, teaching the returning peoples of the Elkaesal’s plight. Temples and mead halls are traditionally built in the spring, places where stories are recited and shared. Throughout Gerudia and the Alenic Reach did the Skaldhyrric Faith spread, with the first in the Reach being the original Thednkerkja where our people first saw the ice melt.
+2% Missionary Strength

Last Stand of the Skaldic GuardWhile Skaldskola has faced many threats since its founding, it only fell to invaders with the fall of Bjarnrík to the Northern League. For centuries the holy city had held against the gray orcs of Grombar even as the rest of Olavlund fell. Aided by their stalwart allies in Bjarnrík, the Skaldic Guard cut down the invaders with halberd and shot, emboldened by the songs of old. The fires of the One-Armed Skald burned bright into the night, a beacon of hope in the war-torn land.\n\nIn Bjarnrík, the corrupt were tempted by the false promises of the Ravelians. Turning their back on their own countrymen for a comfortable place under their Gawedi masters, they struck from within and usurped the Crown of Bera. Skaldskola’s defenders, Olavish and Dalric, were soon cut off and abandoned. The Northern League conquerors cared not to defend Skaldol from Grombar, as they wished for the holy city and its faith to be eradicated. A final stand for the Skaldhyrric Faith, the Guard fought to defend every mile. It is said that the Skaldic Guard went down defending the Archives, for to this day the Ravelian occupiers have failed to plunder the heart of Gerudia.
-10% Morale Damage Received

-10% Development Cost