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Primary Culture

+20% Institution Spread
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Order of Fire KeepersFounded in 742AA by a group of Sisinybohi scholars, the Order of Fire Keepers was created to study the great volcano at Afomapobo and its rich resources. Expecting simply to prospect for resources, they instead discovered that the volcano was still active and could erupt, potentially destroying the north of the island. In the mind of halflings the question grew, whether it was going to blow and if so when? Since this point, most Sisinybohi Mihipha have dedicated their lives to answering this question, formalizing the mission and character of their order.
+50% Innovativeness Gain
-3% Technology Cost

Havoapahai StyleOur country is located in unpleasant mountainous terrain with few readily available construction materials, and building on it is costly and slow. In order to solve this problem we decided that instead of building on the ground, we would build under hills and mountains. This technique turned out to be extremely effective, saving time, raw materials and land, and many existing structures were expanded in this way
-10% Construction Cost

Volcanic MinesAlhought Fahvanosy is generally poor in terms of gem deposit, there is an exception. Deep inside the Afomapobo volcano there is a rich source of opals. Diverse in size and color, these minerals are rare around the islands, which has only increased their popularity among local rulers and nobles. To meet demand for them, we have rebuilt and expanded the mines many times into what is now an enormous complex
+10% Production Efficiency

EnabohiAround the year 450AA, 50 merchants, artists and blacksmiths formed a cartel in our capital. This was in order to monopolize the trade in ivory, precious metals and gemstones, eliminating competition from mainland halflings and humans. Although the intended goal was ultimately not achieved, the guild became very influential and wealthy, the most important on the islands and in fierce competition with the rest of southern Sarhal. When the Cannorians appeared, the guild quickly began trading with them, and just as quickly expanded to cities in Fangaula and later Cannor.
+1 Merchants

Sign of The True LordAlthough we do not have a king and queen, we do have regalia that symbolizes the authority of our principles, an intricately crafted silver crown with white opal on top and ivory decorations ceremonially by the Sisinybohi mayor. This regalia was created by the best craftsmen from Enabohi in gratitude for the favorable attitude towards the institution and the privileges granted to them in the country.
+1 Yearly Prestige

In Search Of HopeTo solve the looming volcano problem, members of the Fire Keepers traveled far from their home. Through the ages they contacted the greatest minds of Fahvanosy, but they didn't stop there. They often traveled overseas to human and lizardfolk cities looking for possible solutions, ultimately creating an impressive network of contacts.
+1 Diplomats

AjikafoThe military arm of the Fire Keepers was founded at the turn of the 14th and 15th century. It started as a group of halflings who, while studying the volcano, learned how to draw power from it. At the beginning, to perform this, any mage had to be on the slopes of the volcano. But with practice some could move further and further from mountains, to the point where members of the Ajikafo could be spotted in mazava islands and on the continent.
+10% Shock Damage

-10% Advisor Cost


