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Primary Culture

-1 National Unrest
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

Battle at the Painted GatesRather than cower behind our walls to be slain like cattle by the centaur hordes, we boldly left our homes to confront them in open battle. Our glorious victory through the use of dye bombs to blind our invaders is the subject of many a story, and is the reason our city stands as the sole domain of the Westmarches to avoid significant damage from the Great Incursion.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Raiders of the Northern SeasIn the old days of yore, our ancestors were the terror of the Blue Sea, pillaging as far north as Kozuurigür. Though we may have long since civilized, we retain the wisdom of our ancestors, along with their skill at tearing down coastal fortifications from the sea.
+30% Blockade Efficiency
-20% Naval Barrage cost

Sinesadman BlueOf the many dyes that come from Sinesadma, none is more recognizable or desired than the comforting glow of Sinesadman blue, whose color graces our very banner.
+15% Domestic Trade Power

Greatest Port of the Blue CoastThe frigid shores of the Blue Sea do not lend themselves well to a thriving city. Nevertheless, Sinesadma stands as a beacon of prosperity amid the ice and snow.
-10% Heavy Ship Cost

Periphery of the WestmarchesOur lands straddle the far northern reaches of the Westmarches. Thanks to our position we've managed to avoid much of the turmoil that has seized our Metsamic brethren for centuries while still granting us the ability to pull merchants to our safe walls.
+20% Trade Steering

Slayers of the Iron KingsWhen the last of the Iron Kings of Raattakod marched on our city, we stood strong against his tyranny. With our victory and the death of the King in the Battle of Iron's Fall, we pursued the would-be conquerors back to their city, trapping their royalty within their precious hall and burning them alive.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Fields of a Hundred ColorsSurrounding our pungipea's palace is a vibrant field of flowers and dyes to greet foreign ambassadors, showing our wealth and hospitality to the world.
+20% Improve Relations

+1 Yearly Navy Tradition


