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Primary Culture

-15% Cavalry Cost
-15% Land Attrition

The Šamšir tribeBetween the Eastern Salahad and the Serpentspine runs the swift Bituzan, one of the tributaries of the mighty Suran, and on its shores live the szal-Adad, the largest of the Mašnsih tribes. They are famous for the use of the Šamšir, long curved double edge swords crafted by the dwarves of Seghdihr. The szal-Adad considered these swords sacred, and If one was drawn, it could not be resheathed until it had drawn blood.\n\nThe szal-Adad claim to be the descendants of Adad, the eldest son of Ulmiš the Reclusive, an ancient and powerful god-king that according to legend, built a city in the middle of the desert, away from the infighting between the Bulwari city-states.\n\nFollowing Zokka's invasion of the upper Suran plain, they were forced to flee from the Bituzan valley and they took refuge in their easternmost lands. Several minor tribes also fled to the east, and were integrated into the Szal-Adad. Their chieftain, Dariuš szal-Adad, summoned the Sihrušam, the confederation of the seven Mašnsih tribes, to fight against Zokka, and was the one who proposed that Jaddar became Herald, the leader of the confederation.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Divine Herald's TribeDescendants of Zaid, younger son of the god-king Ulmiš the Reclusive, the pious Szal-Zaid inhabit the land surrounding the Mountain of Clear Sight, and are the tribe that hosted Jaddar and his guardian Erelessa when they came to the Salahad. Years after joining the legionnaires, the Herald returned and lived among the szal-Zaid and they considered him and his descendants to be members of the tribe. When Surael enlightened Jaddar with the revelations of the Jadd, the szal-Zaid were the first humans to recognize him as Prophet and Herald of Surael.\n\nSome of their most famous members are the half-elf twins Derya and Jareer, the children of Jaddar and Dilara szal-Zaid. Jareer commanded the Mašnsih forces of Jaddar's army, composed of the eastern tribes, during the Battle of the Sun's Providence, while Derya saved her father's life during the battle.\n\nDuring the Battle, the Mašnsih managed to distract a section of Zokka's pack with arrow fire and fake retreats, until Ekrem szal-Yazkur charged with his men in an attempt to kill Zokka before Jaddar. The Mašnsih forces were overwhelmed and several tribal leaders were killed. Jareer managed to reorganize the Mašnsih before being killed by one of Zokka's generals. His grandson Tydeos resisted the gnolls until Jaddar defeated Zokka in singular combat. Tydeos would grow to be one of Jaddar's best generals, and he would become an important figure in the history of the Jadd for conquering the fortress of Azka-Sur.
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces

The Warden TribeThe mysterious Szal-Ardeth are a small and reclusive tribe. According to legend, they are the descendants of Ardeth Beyšir, a great warrior from the nomadic tribes of the Serpent's Gift. When the nomads invaded the Bulwari city-states at the end of the god-king era, he and his kin participated in the conquest of the Bulwar, where they were incapable of killing Amussu, the last god-king. As the nomads deliberated what to do with the deposed god-king, one of the Djinn from the Salahad arrived in the city. She said to the chieftain that the only way to deal with Amussu was imprisoning him for all eternity, and that she was willing to lead a group of warriors to a place where they could build a prison and guard it.\n\nThe warriors doubted the sincerity of the Djinn, whose interest seemed to be to prevent the rise of new genie-binders. But they accepted the offer, and thus, Ardeth and his kin followed the Djinn to the most distant reaches of the Salahad, when they found an oasis in the depths of a basin surrounded by mountains. There, in the deepest section of the gorge, they build a prison for the god king. Neither Ardeth or their kin ever returned to the eastern plains or the banks of the Suran; they never witnessed the glory of Karqašlu or the darkness of the age of monsters. They stayed in the Nihruqalu, the Silent Hall. Standing guard. Protecting a land that they will never inhabit.\n\nBut at some point their numbers dwindled, and they had to interact with the Salahadesi nomads that would become the Mašnih. They showed to their leaders the unkillable evil that they watch over. The tribal leaders offered to send warriors to nurture the ranks of the szal-Ardeth, and since then, when needed, the wardens recruit both men and women from the other tribes. All Mašnih hold the Szal-Ardeth in high regards, and they will provide any help that they require.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Caravan TribeIf one travels by the caravan routes of the eastern Salahad, there are high chances that one is travelling in a szal-Mehran caravan. This Mašnsih tribe inhabits the lands between those of the other tribes. Merchants and caravaners of renown, they escort and lead caravans from the Surani akalates to the szal-Attalu ports in the Gulf of Rahen.\n\nThey claim to be descendants of Mehran szal-Attalu, known as Mehran the Traveler, a famous merchant during Jaher's rule. He is credited with presenting the idea to Jaher to build the Golden Highway, although his original plan was to build it in the szal-Mehran lands.\n\nThe disrepair of the Golden Highway and the increased trade through their lands made the szal-Mehran very rich, and their leader Marod szal-Mehran used this new-found wealth to support the Jadd, providing high quality armor and weapons to the Desert Legion.
-10% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost
+15% Trade Range

The Hunter TribeDescendants of former slaves, the szal-Yazkur hold a centuries-old grudge against the Gnolls. They hunt the gnoll slavers that travel through the Salahad, freeing the slaves and incorporating them into the tribe. To better fight the gnolls they have developed a trademark cavalry tactic: They divide their forces in two groups, and while one harasses the gnolls with arrows and fake retreats, the other surrounds them and crush them in a cavalry charge.\n\nThe tribe claims to be descended from Yazkur the Zanite, a warrior that fought in Maqet's rebellion against the gnolls, almost a hundred years before the arrival of the Sun Elves. While most of the former slaves fled south and formed the kingdom of Dasmazar, Yazkur and several warriors stayed and managed to occupy the Harra oasis for a decade, before being expelled by the gnolls.\n\nAnother great clan member was Ekrem szal-Yazkur, who lost an arm fighting Zokka, and during the Battle of Sun's Providence, tried to kill the Pack-Lord before Jaddar could. Unfortunately, he and most of his warriors died at the hands of Zokka's guards.\n\nAfter the battle, the tribe was severely weakened, but they kept raiding gnoll settlements - even those who converted to the Jadd - despite condemnation from the Jaddari.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+10% Movement Speed

The Bronze Dragon TribeOn the coast of the Gulf of Rahen dwells the szal-Attalu, the most sedentary of the tribes. While most of the clans still practice their traditional nomadic ways, some have established cities by the coast, the most important being Edešukeru, one of the biggest ports in the gulf, second only to Davharral. Despite being versed on trade, they have a strong martial tradition, keeping their bronze-hilt swords with them at all times.\n\nThey claim to be descendants of Attalus the Genealogist, a Bulwari scribe conscripted into Aakhet's army. When the army was destroyed on their way to Haless, Attalus and other Bulwari survivors were lost in the desert, and managed to reach the coast, where they mixed with the local Mašnsih tribes.\n\nThey managed to recover Aakhet's armor from the site of the battle, and they carry it as a banner when they march to battle. An annex of the temple of Surael in Edešukeru is home to a hundred sets of ancient bronze armors and weapons, a memento to the survivors of the ambitions of the Bronze Dragon.
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Magi TribeHidden in the sands of the eastern Salahad lies the lost city of Ulmišbar, jewel of the desert and home of the god-king Ulmiš the Reclusive, and in their collapsed palaces live the szal-Fazil, the smallest of the Mašnsih tribes.\n\nTheir ancestor, Fazil ‘The Black' szel-Aqatbahar, was a magi during the rule of Jexis, and was imprisoned in Azkabar, a prison built specifically for human magi. For twelve years he survived, until one night, he and other magi managed to escape. How? Nobody knows, but the group fled to the east, trying to reach Rahen. Many were lost in the desert, and one by one died, until only Fazil and eight more remained. They would not have survived if not for their stumbling upon the lost city and its oasis. There they found the knowledge of Ancient Bulwar, and they decided to keep it safe until the Bulwari were free to practice magic in their own home. They adopted a silver nine point star as sigil, representing the nine original magi and the brightest star in the night sky, Fazil.\n\nThe szal-Fazil are renowned for their wisdom and use of magic, and their magi are usually found in other tribes as advisors. The future leader of the tribe, Kuridon szal-Fazil, was living between the szal-Zaid at the same time as Jaddar began his campaign, and the two became close friends. But Kuridon never converted to the Jadd, and while no one knows the exact reason, it is said that he used one of Ulmišbar artifacts to see the future, and he was terrorised by the endless war that he saw - a war made in the name of his friend.
+5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+25% Caravan Power


