Siegebreaker Ideas

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+10% Manpower Recovery Speed
-20% Unjustified Demands

KabirsharyarOriginally a period of mourning for Korgus Dookanson once news of his death reached our clan, this period eventually broadened to become the mournful festival now known as Kabirsharyar, or 'The Great Sunset'. A week-long period of mourning observed by all in our nation, lamenting the defeat of Dookanson, the loss of so many of our orc brothers and sisters and the fleeting time we had to bask in the sun outside the Dwarovar.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Legacy of GurukkGurukk Siegebreaker, the namesake of our clan, was awarded his moniker by Korgus Dookanson when he broke the long running siege of the Dwarven hold of Khugdihr. An event that heralded the start of the Greentide by allowing us to pour out into Escann. We have not forgotten this and to this day maintain a strong tradition of siegecraft amongst our commanding officers and generals.
+1 Leader Siege

KarlurbakhMeaning 'Strong-Domain' in Orcish, Karlurbakh is the name we have given our government and system that arose following the deluge of Ozarm'chadashs that came after Gurukk Siegebreaker's death. By requiring all in government to have earned their position through such a duel, we ensure that each position is truly filled by the strongest orc it could be.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Cold RageThe founders of our clan were the berserkers that smashed their way through the gates of Khugdihr and fought alongside Dookanson on the fields of Escann. We orcs have plenty of anger to spare and while it has led us to victory many times, in the end all the screaming charges and the intimidating yells did not lead us to the ultimate victory we sought.\n\nWe should instead channel our anger and rage to wipe out the returning dwarves and into other avenues of work. While we still are berserkers, we shall no longer break our formation out of chaotic burning rage. From now on, our enemies shall be met by a silent stern wall of steel discipline and contained, internalised fury.
+5% Discipline

The New VanguardWhen leading the greentide vanguard to Escann with Korgus Dookanson, Gurukk of the Siegebreaker clan donned his troops with the heaviest of armour salvaged from the Dwarovar. With large shields they charged into the smaller humans, demolishing their formations and disorienting them, while also deflecting arrows coming their way. After the initial invasion however, they returned to the Serpentspine and continued the use of the vanguard to protect against the fire of the returning dwarves.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Repurposing Dwarven ForgesOne of the greatest tragedies of our race was our failure to use the things left behind by the bearded rats we chased from these tunnels. They may be one of our worst enemies, but the Dwarves might have known a thing or two on how to make good weapons and arms. Perhaps we too may make this craft our own by using what they left behind.
+10% Production Efficiency

All Must CrumbleThe Gates of Khugdihr were sealed for millennia after the first incursion of the orcs into the Western Dwarovar, yet it was our clan that breached them. Our scouts managed to find weak points along the neglected walls, letting us design siege engines and use sappers to completely destroy any defences. Now back in the Serpentspine, we have studied the remains of many dwarven defences, allowing us to find the faults in dwarven designs and to train our sappers to efficiently breach any who might stand against us.
+20% Siege Ability

+10 Maximum Absolutism