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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+10% Production Efficiency

Raiding the WeakThe Shofa is the smallest of the vassal-tribes, and as such we are not able to fight the Boek in open battle, but we must still capture tribute for Cheshosh. To remedy this our warriors prefer to attack the Boek tribes whilst they are occupied fighting the warriors of other tribes, taking whatever we can before they return. Cheshosh certainly won't mind...
+25% Available Loot
+50% Looting Speed

Patience above BraveryWhile our raids are effective at avoiding direct confrontation with the Boek their braves are often known to follow our party to our tribe, in a vain attempt to recover what we have taken from them. Fighting the braves directly is a fool's errand, instead we will wait them out hidden safely behind our tribes' fortifications.
+15% Fort Defence

Working TributeAfter the recent invasion of the decadent Boek living to the north we have found ourselves in possession of amount of tribute, for more than is demanded of us by Cheshoshoanta. If we were to enslave the strongest of these Boek and put them to work rather than sacrificing them all we could work them during all hours of the day, with little concern for their wellbeing. Cheshosh will be their final destination either way.
-10% Construction Cost

Shokils SkullsWhen people first arrived from across the seas we initially feared them and their strange new weapons, however we have noticed a peculiar few we call the ‘Shokils' due to their short stature. These are fully aged men, but they are only the size of a small child. Fighting these Shokils has taught our warriors bravery, and they now adorn themselves with the skulls of these fallen foes, to strike fear into all who face them.
+10% Morale of Armies

Bone to BloodCheshoshoanta has fallen to the Black Legion. They came with no warning, burning, and killing everything in their path with a fury that could match even that of Cheshosh. The Bone Citadel razed, the great warriors of Cheshoshoanta lay slain. It is clear that if Shofa is to survive we must find an even greater power to protect us. Even now our diplomats travel to the far away land of ‘Lorent' a land where they say even the flowers can be deadly and where blood flows like a river. We will swear fealty to them, and they shall protect us from this Black Legion.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Slave AdvisorsFrom our scarce contact with the invaders from across the seas it is clear that they know much that we are yet to learn. While in the past we had taken these people as workers our chief has now adopted a new policy: those who may be of use advising our chief are exempt from both work and sacrifice, that is so long as they continue to be useful.
-10% Advisor Cost

The BiwuchaBefore the arrival of the Cannorians the Shofa had much practice at manhunting and our Biwucha were undoubtedly the best in the Trollsbay. With the arrival of the Cannorians however, there comes a new wave of techniques, and even new creatures which our people are employed to recapture. Whilst initially many were not used to the "horses" the Cannorians used our people have quickly adapted to riding these beasts, certainly aided by the guidance our overlords, and now most are adept at riding and now, once again, the Shofa are recognized as the greatest Biwucha.
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

+10% Goods Produced Modifier


