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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
-10% Infantry Cost

Breadbasket Of The MengiShelokmengi, the valley kingdom, controlled some of the most fertile and productive farmlands in East Sarhal. Though it lacked great mineral wealth or defensible positions, the land was rich in its own right, and crops sprang from the soil here as if they longed to be picked by human hands. The fertile potential of the valley was noticed ages ago, and it has produced vast harvests of wheat, barley and sorghum for millenia, sustaining the great cities of Yeteferen.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Yet BendThe great Yet river coils as a serpent, ebbing and flowing, and near the lands of Shelokmengi it makes a great bend across the land. Highly navigable, the river has acted as a natural highway for the Yeteferen peoples since time immemorial. Shelokmengi’s many villages are all located near or on the great Yet bend, allowing easy access to merchant vessels, who will happily buy the vast harvests of Shelokmengi and sell them to the cities upon the length of the Yet.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Yemane The SecretaryThe harvest requires much work. One must keep track of the laborers, the seeds to be planted, the amount of crops sold, the time of the year, and more. Every farmer of Shelokmengi became adept at skills that were also useful in administration, and so the kings of Shelokmengi found no shortage of competent administrators among the population.\n\nThis great administrative skill was best embodied in Yemane ‘The Secretary’. Born a farmer, Yemane originally owned only a small piece of land. His great administrative skills and wit allowed him to increase the yields of his farm manyfold, and he began to increase the yields of other farms in the local villages. Eventually, he would be noticed by Ayufari II during one of his yearly harvest processions, was recognized for this skill, and hired as the king’s personal secretary.\n\nYemane would be a crucial advisor to Ayufari II for most of his reign, being responsible for many administrative reforms in the kingdom. His most legendary feat was the mobilization of 10,000 men in a single month, although according to Yemane, it was no more than another task akin to organizing the harvest.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost

The Battle Of BerfanIn 1452 the trolls of Yezel Mora broke their usual border raids by doing something not seen since the rule of Zenidir the Shadowslayer - an invasion of Madriamilak. Following the rise of Adurmag the Dreadful, an army of trolls invaded Shelokmengi with the goal of burning the whole of the Yet river valley and sacking the great city of Yetmetsira by the ocean. When news of the host came, the Mezhi of Shelokmengi called to arms every able bodied man to defend the holy land, of which only 9,760 warriors and 108 magi gathered in time when news of the trolls crossing the border arrived.\n\nAt a small walled lumber town that bridged a tributary of the Yet did the army of Shelokmengi clash with Adurmag’s horde. Here with spear and shield the Shelokmengi held for 14 days, slaying nearmost 2,000 trolls until they finally breached the walls. At this point the Mengi withdrew over the bridge and out of the town. A feigned route, as the Mengi held the trolls in the town whilst the deviousness of their trap was revealed. The magi had been channeling the very air and sky itself to create a beam of light so intense that it could catch buildings aflame. Sawdust soaked in seed oil caught alight in a great conflagration that instantly incinerated half the horde as it had clamored into the village, including Adurmag himself. That day, the Shadow Trolls feared not their masters, but the Shelokmengi.
+5% Discipline

A Blessing In DisguiseThe death of Afwerki III at the gates of Enikmesiki in 1438 was a disaster for Shelokmengi. His young son was left in the hands of a squabbling regency council, bent on turning the young king Ayufari II into a puppet.\n\nWhen Ayufari II came of age to rule, however, he was not what the lesser-kings expected him to be. One of the most capable and ruthless administrators of his day, he was keen to crack down on those that had led his father to ruin, including the former members of the regency council. He stamped out the corrupt nobles, confiscating the lands of those that dared defy him and placing loyalists into their positions.\n\nBy the time Ayufari reached the age of 38, he had completely destroyed any internal resistance in his kingdom. Thus he finally declared war on Enikmesiki, seeking revenge for his fathers murder and hunting those nobles who had fled his vengeance. He at last took the city where his father had been killed in 1474, his revenge complete.\n\nYears later, when asked what his thoughts of the Enikmesiki "incident" was, he quipped, "Enikmesiki may have been a catastrophe, but it was also a blessing in disguise."
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

The Harvest ProcessionEvery Yeteferen kingdom may have a harvest festival, but Shelokmengi has a harvest procession. When the harvest season begins, the king of Shelokmengi leaves his palace and travels the land in a great procession. These processions acted as moving harvest festivals, with massive amounts of food given away for free. It was very common for the harvest processions of Shelokmengi to move into other kingdoms, as the kings of Shelokmengi sought to flaunt their wealth in the face of their rivals. These harvest processions showed all the richness of Shelokmengi, and the benefits of its rule. Most importantly, it made the lower classes happy and loyal to the kings of Shelokmengi.
-2 National Unrest

Direct Rule From The PalaceThe successors of Ayufari II would continue his work of centralizing and pacifying the realm and the lesser-kings. By the late 16th century, the lesser-kings of Shelokmengi had been weakened to the point where they merely served as hereditary administrators, with almost all real power in the kingdom resting in the hands of the king and his close circle of advisors in the great palace in Berfan.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change


