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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

A City In the RuinsOver millennia Shalazar has served as the capital for hundreds of Lizardfolk empires, with the Anzara empire being only the most recent. With the empire’s collapse and the ensuing centuries of foreign raids and economic decline, the once-grand city has fallen far from its glory days, now little more than a fortified town squatting in the deserted ruins of one of ancient Sarhal’s largest cities. Once the seat of power for continental empires, now Shalazari rule extends only over a handful of cities and a single vassal-tribe. However, the lakeside land remains rich and fertile, and the empty stone buildings and old farming terraces that cover the hillsides make it easy to expand the current settlement.
-10% Development Cost

The Great Temple Of ShalazarTowering high over the city and bedecked in pennants of colourful bifurcated flags, a long-broken Zatsarya monolith sits on a lakeside promontory to the north of Shalazar, with the twin ziggurats of Naga-Khatesh situated at its base. For millennia Lizardfolk across Taneyas have made pilgrimage to this sacred temple, but now it also sees visitors of a different kind: five centuries ago, Raktaya Ashaktiz renovated the eastern hall with the petrified skeletons of enormous fish and reptiles unearthed in a slate quarry in Ashakani, and now the temple attracts fascinated naturalists from Kheterata to Baashidi!
+10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Most Feverent Of The Odu KherassiShalazar has always been the most populous of the Lizardfolk cities in the eastern borderlands of Odu Kherass. Given our ancient history and grand priesthood, our citizenry are also amongst the most fervent believers in the ancient tenets of Anzalkatsa: that 332 times has Taneyas been united and divided, and an immortal empire will be the one to unite our land for a final 333rd time. Every citizen of Shalazar holds this story in their heart, and they show a willingness without peer to enlist and take up arms to ensure that it is glorious Shalazar that will claim the 333rd throne, and lead all of Taneyas to an eternal place in the sun.
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Ward Against The EastOur proximity to the borderlands of the Tanizu often leaves us bearing the brunt of attempted foreign invasions from the east. The lakes and mountains surrounding Shalazar are already dotted with ancient fortifications, and now an enterprising young naga mage has taken it upon herself to enchant one of these fortresses with a ward of regenerating stone. There is clear potential to apply this technique on a larger scale.
+20% Fort Defence

Magic And The CitizenryInvesting in more accessible magical schooling for common citizens is a cornerstone of our state's education policy. While some would question the value of training those who might never manage more than a handful of spells, many of these lizardfolk go on to labor in our city's countless workshops and provide us with an ample supply of enchanted weaponry and ammunition. From fire-charmed polearms to cursed knives, combat against a Shalazari infantry regiment is normally a surprising and painful experience.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Abundant PriesthoodAlready situated at the edge of Taneyas, the emergence of the Ashhana from Yezel Mora a millennia ago and their abandonment the Scaled Gods’ teachings left Lizardfolk in Odu Kherass isolated from other followers of Anzalkatsa. Fortunately, we have long been blessed with an abundance of Naga as a reward for our faith, and now as we expand our territory, our well-staffed priesthood allows us to place shrines and attendant Naga in every newly conquered township. With so many Naga, we can efficiently bring the guidance – and the control – of our faith to newly conquered humans and wayward Ashhana alike.
+1 Missionaries

Warp And Weft Of The Modern StateEven in our former, diminished state, Shalazar lay in a key position in inland trade networks, and we have never been strangers to travel. Now, a letter can be posted in western Zerat and arrive in Shalazar by the end of the week. The old imperial roads, rebuilt and broadened, have extended to encompass the new cities that dot the hills and lowland jungles, carrying soldiers and travellers, communication and commerce. These are the threads that bind our expanding nation together into a single, unified empire.
+20% Caravan Power
+5% Movement Speed

-15% Advisor Cost


