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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+15% Movement Speed

Kabir DrahmWhen Zog Shadowdreamer was exiled and driven out of Gor Vazumbrog by the Skewered Drake it was for his heretic vision: In a strange prophetic dream he saw the world from the eyes of Dookan himself. Banished for heresy, he left with other believers in his Dream, the Great Dream, or Kabir Drahm in Orcish. It now serves as the unifying cause for Zog's warband as they find their way to the place revealed to him in the dream: The abandoned hold of Gor Ozumbrog.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Cavern Colonisation CommandWith our Dream leading us ever closer to Gor Ozumbrog, we need to prepare the surrounding caves and caverns for our new country. To that end we will need to settle every nook and cranny, every last spot up to the hold of our desire.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Shadow SoldiersThe Sagah, the Shadow Soldiers of Shadowdreamer are a fearsome unit. Clad in black fabric with the symbol of the Dream, a closed eye behind a clenched fist on their back, they hide in the dark caverns. There they wait so that they can surprise their enemy suddenly without warning. With the Sagah supporting us, the shadows are no longer merely hiding places. Instead, the shadows can be turned into potential traps waiting eagerly to be sprung.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The DrahmgrallThe Drahmgrall are the Dream-Speakers of Shadowdreamer. These leading shamans are those that receive the visions coaxed forth by sleep that the orcs of Shadowdreamer depend on for spiritual guidance. They traverse the dreamscape where they see through Dookan's eyes and witness strange and otherworldly vistas: Frozen forests beneath rivers of molten rock, swords shattering on dangling cave moss, inexplicable lights dancing deep within the dark.
+2% Missionary Strength

A Devoted PeopleOnly through their faith in the Dream could the warband stay together during the exile from Gor Vazumbrog, animated by the purpose laid out for them in Dookan's Dream. This purpose urges them ever forward towards fulfilling the Dream, labouring towards the goal that not even the Drahmgrall can fathom for now. Still, their devotion keeps them going, united by faith.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Order of the Farun ChashmThe Order of the Farun Chashm are reclusive shamans and sages living as hermits on the borders of Shadowdreamer who meditate on matters of state and innovation. This order of recluses see themselves as the opposite face of the Kabir Drahm from the Drahmgrall, calling themselves the "Forgotten Eye" Rumours spread that the strictness of their adherence to the Dream is a matter of debate. In exchange for being left mostly to their own machinations, they offer their services to the government as occasional advisors by bringing in new ideas from beyond the country. Their less zealous demeanour also makes them more agreeable merchants and diplomats, where they can gather foreign knowledge and bring it back to their home.
+10% Institution Spread
-5% Idea Cost

Delving the ShadowsBefore Shadowdreamer there was the Segbandal, an alliance of five dwarven holds. There, the dwarves had to share among themselves, exchanging goods and manpower. We have no need for that, we can use everything we produce ourselves. In the name of Dookan we claim these riches for ourselves, and only ourselves now. We will usurp the dwarven machinery's original purpose and bend them to our will. Mines, farmsteads, quarries, workshops, they will all serve Dookan.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+10% Religious Power


