Sglarder Ideas

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+10% Improve Relations
-10% Infantry Cost

The CopperhearthSglard prospers from holding one of the few copper mines in Eordand, effectively a monopoly on this valuable resource. Without abundant iron, copper and tin are relied on to make bronze tools throughout the region. Cardumh is known as the Copperhearth, where countless orders of tools, weapons, and armor are forged by a legion of smiths. But the greatest contractor of bronze is none else but the Copperheart dynasty who rules Sglard, commissioning ostentatious displays of the valued metal to show all who is the master of the Copperhearth.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Origin of PraisegrantingThroughout Eordand the holiday of Praisegranting is celebrated. It is a ceremony of tribute to the most deserving in society: the mighty and powerful who have achieved great deeds are given gifts by all those lesser in society. The first Praisegranting is credited to Sglard, where a weeks of tribute were delivered to an ancient chieftain who subjugated the surrounding lands through the usage of superior Bronze equipment.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Malcadh, the Rotting RuinDeep in a desolate and overgrown wood Malcadh, the Rotting Ruin, stagnates amongst the years of rotting leaves. Perennially covered in a shroud of fog, the woods are avoided by most for fear of the many monsters of the land. Those who wander near it often find themselves lost, and travelers disappear. Sglard maintains a garrison at the ruin itself to guide travelers and to guard entrance to the rest of the realm. In times of war, enemy armies find their men to desert more frequently... or so they tell themselves.
-10% Fort Maintenance
+1 Attrition for Enemies

HarvestmenTo this day Sglard continues the tradition of over-exaggerating the Praisegranting holiday, demanding greater amounts of tribute to the worthy each year. The Harvestmen are the overseers of the Sglarder Praisegranting ceremony, acting as collectors of tribute and every detail about who has given what gift. Every year MUST have a greater display of gathering: there is no room for failure!
+10% National Tax Modifier

Shades of AutumnClafaidh boasts a vibrant dye industry, creating vivid reds, oranges, yellows and other dyes in the shades of autumn leaves. The Clafaidh dye guilds devote themselves to perfecting their color of the rainbow, while keeping their methods secret from each other, but sometimes unite against their Darblather rivals. Clafaidh dye masters swear that their bright and vivid colors are far superior to Darblath's dour grays and browns.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Royal Bronzesmith ArmorySglard's rich history in copper mining and smithing has paid dividends with the arrival of cannon crafting. Over the centuries the Copperhearts have amassed a vast fortune of copper ingots in a hidden underground vault, partly out of paranoia of losing their livelihood and also to appreciate their vast wealth. When the need came for cannon warfare, the Copperhearts melted their vast vault to create scores of artillery to blast their opponents. Ever since the great melting, the vault has been reborn as the Royal Bronzesmith Armory, producing the finest artillery and heavy machinery in all of Eordand.
-10% Artillery Cost
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

Patina OrangeAn ugly green skin, like rot, tarnishes the gleaming copper metal so adored by the Sglarders. However, in the 17th century experimentation with architectural students changed this attitude forever. Creating copper domes, statues, and other features out of copper, the denizens of the city watched as the features changed from gleaming copper to oxidized green. This newfound appreciation of naturally oxidized copper birthed the Sglarder style of architecture, showing the world how rich they are to even ornament their buildings in copper.
+1 Yearly Prestige

-10% Ship Costs