Severed Ear

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Severed Ear

Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
-15% Liberty Desire from Subject Development

Dookan’s FailuresSevered Ear orcs who make their homes in the rural countryside, away from the settlements along the white walls, appear a strange sight. While it is not unusual for Orcs to live as propertied dargom, it is unusual for them to live as serfs, drearily slaving away as tenants on borrowed land. These “Zargom” (literally - “Under people”) are forcibly exiled to these reservations to live as indentured servants, for acts that violate the orcish honor system, such as cowardice or underhandedness. \n\nWhile many zargom are common peasant laborers, their low status makes them useful patsies for the clan’s upper caste. They are given dishonorable work as assassins, spies, torturers, executioners, and other jobs too outrageous to proffer any orc with a choice. The ubiquity of these practices has led to the foundation of minor zargom clans, such as the Toothtakers or Cut Neck, who figure their own systems of honor in an attempt to curry some sense of legitimacy out of the bleakness. On the other hand, those zargom desperate enough for escape have been known to self-mutilate, cutting away pieces of themselves, often ears, and offering them up as symbols of contrition.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost
+10% Spy Network Construction

Everything in its PlaceGarm Severed Ear’s grip on power was incontestable. The veteran warriors who founded the clan and birthed him were serious minded, brutal people who did not like to waste time. They therefore detested the insubordinate fools who would challenge them in duels of honor. Garm is no different, having prohibited the lower castes; the zargom, ozdan, and lesser dargom, from partaking in the Ozarm Chadash, drastically altering the shape of social mobility in the clan. While many clans would not have accepted this state of affairs, protestation within the Severed Ear clan was met with incredible violence. These displays of strength cemented the view that the acuity of some orcs is self-evident, and need not be challenged. \n\nEven considering this, Garm received no challengers that history records, legitimate or illegitimate. His circle were sycophantic, his capability and stoicism commanded a deep respect, while his imposing, stern, wholly humorless countenance terrified, impelling complete obedience. Because of these factors, his lifelong rule was essentially secured.
-2 National Unrest

Rule by StrengthDuring the Greentide, the raw strength that an orcish clan could bring to bear was the only thing that mattered to many of their political leaders at the time. For the sake of Korgus’ vision for the orcish soul (and after his death, for the sake of survival) Severed Ear oriented itself around the intensive stratification of its population. The warrior class was split in two, with a new honor guard arising with the responsibility of manning the white walls and defending clan territory, while a lower caste of warriors pillaged and conquered. These guards, often clad in heavy Bladebreaker-forged armor, heavily utilized shields for their defensive maneuvers, an uncommon practice for orcish fighters of the era.
+5% Discipline

TuladoshThe decades after the Greentide’s ultimate defeat and Korgus Dookanson’s death would be a chaotic one for the Escanni orcs. For two decades, ultimate authority had been centralised around Korgus and his divine connection to Dookan. His downfall did not simply shatter orcish unity, it left a power vacuum within the clans themselves as many chieftains had tied their own legitimacy to Korgus’ (and by extension Dookan’s) will.\n\nRoughly equivalent to the idiom of "ruling with an iron fist", Tuladosh, or steel hand, represented the various Escanni orcish chieftains bids to assert firmer control over their clans. Some would attempt to take up Korgus’ fallen mantle in a bid for legitimacy. Others would focus their efforts on rebuilding the ruined land to build trust. More still would settle for trying to dominate the local surroundings to show their strength. All would find their efforts a struggle.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

The Dargom and OzdanAs the Green Orcs transitioned from conquerors to inhabitants, two classes would come to form within the various nascent kingdoms - the Dargom and Ozadan. Residing within the rebuilt hamlets and refounded towns, the Dargom represented the evolution of orcish society.\n\nDominated by craftspeople, merchants and other urban roles, the Dargom stemmed from those who already held great wealth and power or recognized the power that could come from craftsmanship and commerce. Through these means, the Dargom would form the basis of the nascent bureaucracy and come to control much of the state’s wealth.\n\nThe Ozdan, on the other hand, represented unchanging orcish tradition. Dominated by travelling warriors and migratory herders who were either too poor (or too stubborn) to settle, the Ozdan’s hearty lifestyle meant they were a natural pool to draw on for the kingdom’s defence. While capable, their adherence to the old ways would lead constant headaches to the central government
+8% National Manpower Modifier
+5% Production Efficiency

Beyond the Ebbing TideWhile the animosity between the orcs of Escann and the other races would last generations as the struggle for land continued into the 16th century, old hatred would eventually give way to cold utilitarianism.\n\nHeralding this evolution would be the Crimson Deluge, a seemingly divine cataclysm that showered Escann with blood and gore. With these unnatural events came disruptions to commerce as tumultuous weather began to claim Escanni caravans. As an economic crisis began to brew, it would be the orcish kingdoms who would step in. Orcs, stronger than the average human and born wayfinders, were more capable of withstanding the treacherous rains and the violence it wrought. While initially rejected, the merchants of Cannor found themselves more willing to look the other way and allow orcs to trek these treacherous routes as long as the coin flowed.
+10% Institution Spread
-8% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Sagah'damsWhatever equilibrium that arose between the adventurer kingdoms and orcish kingdoms would come to a violent end when the first witch kings arose. Armies onto themselves, the orcish kingdoms buckled under the likes of mages like Laurens síl Place and the Regent of Wyvernheart. When even the most powerful shamans were reduced to dust in the face of such foes, it was clear new tactics had to be adopted.\n\nWhat came about was the sagah’dams, or shadowshots. Taking advantage of their skin’s natural camouflage in the greenery of Escann, these warriors would rely on ambush tactics to inhibit and blunt ever more brazen advances into orcish land. As these brave orcs fought to preserve their home, some could not help but find it ironic it was they who were now being swept away by some unstoppable tide…
+1 Attrition for Enemies


