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Primary Culture

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
+15% Movement Speed

Birthplace of the RahenrajTivara Svrinrangam, the Saravauca Jetu, First Raja of All Rahen, was born in what is now Setarudhar around the year 1000 BA. The third son of a king ruling a minor kingdom, Tivara was not expected to inherit, and spent his early adult life as an adventurer, defending common folk from monsters, never expecting fame or title. When his two elder brothers unexpectedly died, Tivara inherited the realm from his father, and returned to rule his kingdom. From this small Setar state, he began his wars of consolidation - first taking the dry plains of the South and East Marutha, then striking the mighty Nadimraj and seizing its crown while it was embroiled in civil war. Finally, Svrinrangam forced the 14 princedoms of the Dhenbasana to acknowledge him as Maharaja, and he proclaimed the unified Rahenraj from his original palace in Setarudhar in 956 BA.
+20% Claim Duration
-25% Cost to fabricate claims

Riders of the SetarThe mighty Marutha desert is a place of many uses - it is rich in salt and sand - but the most valuable part of this country is its long stretches of flat, clear land. On this dry ground do the peoples of the Setar Plain ride, living a semi-nomadic life as they have for thousands of years, flitting between the deep desert and river basins on horseback, masters of hunting, skirmishing, and racing. Though the coming of the harimari would see a decline in equestrian warfare in many regions of Rahen, the riders of the Setar keep the horseback tradition alive in central Rahen.
-10% Cavalry Cost

Butterfly WeedButterfly Weed is the common name for a medicinal plant found at the edges of the Marutha. Producing a soothing and calming aroma when burned and inhaled, it is known to help cleanse respiratory illnesses and was among the only remedies that provided some protection against the Smothering Sickness of 1414. It has been cultivated extensively since that disaster, and Setarudhar is the single largest producer of the diminutive plant.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Peridot of SvrinrangamBefore he was Raja, Tivara Svrinrangam’s adventures once saw him save a dwarven princess from certain doom. In appreciation, she gave him a great treasure - a necklace of flawless peridot that shone with an inner light. The princess told Svrinrangam that the necklace would bless any who wore it with great fortune as long as they held love and filial piety in their heart.\n\n The first Rahenraja wore the necklace all the days of his life, and was well blessed by it. In the millenia that followed his life, the Peridot of Svrinrangam changed hands many times, bringing good luck to all who held it. It eventually landed in the hands of the Thousand Strikes Dynasty, a powerful clan that ruled the lands north of Dhenijansar from Djunadesh to Kramitra, and at first it seemed only to increase their fortune. When the Brother's War broke out, however, the house turned on itself, and the once radiant gems of the Peridot necklace turned sickly and murky. Their magic lost in the fratricidal conflict, the Peridot of Svrinrangam became a physical symbol of the Thousand Strikes clan’s internal division and the deep wounds running through Rahen in the fifteenth century.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Listen For Marthua's RoarThe Desert-plateau Marutha is home to many legends, but one held most highly among the riders of the Setar is that of Marutha’s Roar. The story speaks of an ancient wanderer who had become lost in the desert. Far from any landmarks that could guide him home, the wanderer was on the verge of death when, all of a sudden, a vast roar split the air and the sands swirled up into the sky, blotting out the sun. Shielding his eyes, the wanderer could swear he saw a great golden lion in the distance, shimmering amidst the buffeting sands. The lion stared at him for a moment before turning and striding away, disappearing into the sandstorm.\n\nWhen the tempest subsided, the wanderer followed in the direction of the beast and found himself less than a league away from his home village, where he had been given up for dead. The peoples of Setarudhar believe strongly that this legend is a true story and that the Golden Lion will guide home those righteous who become lost amidst the sands. To this day, they tell each other to "Listen for Marutha’s Roar" before they ride into the desert, knowing that it will always guide them home.
-15% Land Attrition

The Black PlainsThe Black Plains are a stretch of land along the Turliya river famed for their titular dark soil. Rich in nutrients but prone to saturation and over-aeration, the secret of working this splendid earth is held by the farmers of the Dhukharuved, who have needled the secrets of cultivation from the land over centuries. When worked to their fullest potential, the Black Plains are one of the most bountiful cotton-growing regions of Rahen, bringing to market one of the subcontinent’s three greatest cash crops and dozens of other foodstuffs and luxuries that keep Rahen’s countless millions fed, clothed, and sated.
+10% Production Efficiency

The DhukharuvedThe Dhukaruved have long been a people without a nation. Though their armies conquered the Rahenraj for Svrinrangam, they have not ruled themselves in over two thousand years - first becoming but one of many people in the Rahenraj, then falling under the sway of successive harimari empires. Despite this, they have retained their culture separate from the more numerous Rabhidarubsad and Sarniryabsad to their south. The Dhukaruved are noble riders, farmers, and navigators of the sand, eager advisors and open-handed friends, and their expertise in many practical matters has long been a boon to the rulers of their lands.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+10% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

-1% Prestige Decay


