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Primary Culture

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The First to StrikeBefore our fall from grace, before the Brothers War, The Thousand Strikes were the greatest of the Senapti. The Thousand Strikes clan was among the earliest supporters of the Lotus Claw in their rise to power, and were honored with the lordship of Rabhidaraj and the Honour of leading the van of the Raja's army on the march.\n\nWe were to hold the right flank in battle.\nWe were the first to meet the enemies of the Lotus Court in war.\nWe were the arms and armor of the Lotus Claw.\n\n Still this martial tradition is ours, even after the splintering of our clan, our lands, and our honour.
+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+50% Prestige from Land battles

Mahouts of the SetarThe Horsemen of the Dhukharuved have been a constant a constant thorn in the side of any who attempt to control the Setar. During the brother’s war, their cavalry tactics stymied our advance, so we were forced to develop a new strategy. By using our elephants as screen before our armies, we not only prevented cavalry charges, but also placed our elephants to be better positioned to affect devastating counter charges.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
-5% Shock Damage Received

The Bloody BetrayalWhen the Brother’s War came, three of the four branches of the Thousand Strikes stayed loyal to the rightful raja, Amanapurna the Bloody, but Setarudhar rebelled. On the fields of Grannedeh, we fought our traitorous brothers and their Ghavaanaji allies, but our elder brothers, the Setabura, quit the field and left us to face them alone - no doubt a scheme to inherit our lands upon the extinction of our branch of the family tree.\n\n But we were not extinguished, no - and after we put the traitors to flight, we fell upon the camp of our erstwhile allies with the fury of revenge.\n\n This act would not go unpunished. Though we lost much for principled stand, we gained a reputation for savagery in combat unmatched by all but the primal harimari of the peninsular.\n\n Though the Setabura now go by the moniker the Bloody Claw, it was they who were bloodied that day.
-1 National Unrest
+5% Morale Damage

The Peridot of SvrinrangamBefore he was Raja, Tivara Svrinrangam’s adventures once saw him save a dwarven princess from certain doom. In appreciation, she gave him a great treasure - a necklace of flawless peridot that shone with an inner light. The princess told Svrinrangam that the necklace would bless any who wore it with great fortune as long as they held love and filial piety in their heart.\n\n The first Rahenraja wore the necklace all the days of his life, and was well blessed by it. In the millenia that followed his life, the Peridot of Svrinrangam changed hands many times, bringing good luck to all who held it. It eventually landed in the hands of the Thousand Strikes Dynasty, a powerful clan that ruled the lands north of Dhenijansar from Djunadesh to Kramitra, and at first it seemed only to increase their fortune. When the Brother's War broke out, however, the house turned on itself, and the once radiant gems of the Peridot necklace turned sickly and murky. Their magic lost in the fratricidal conflict, the Peridot of Svrinrangam became a physical symbol of the Thousand Strikes clan’s internal division and the deep wounds running through Rahen in the fifteenth century.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Ramapalar's SecondThe founder of our house, Virajdendar of the Thousand Strikes, was the greatest friend of Ramapalar the Reunifier. Though the Reunifier was the master of the Second Harimraj, even he conceded that without Virajdendar’s skill in battle and steadfast friendship, his dream would never have been realized. Famous for his strategy of indirect tactics, ambush, and bribery, it was said his foes all died ignominiously; \n\nBy a Thousand Strikes.\n\n Still today do we practice the art of war that Virajdendar taught, and still do our foes die.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

The Black PlainsThe Black Plains are a stretch of land along the Turliya river famed for their titular dark soil. Rich in nutrients but prone to saturation and over-aeration, the secret of working this splendid earth is held by the farmers of the Dhukharuved, who have needled the secrets of cultivation from the land over centuries. When worked to their fullest potential, the Black Plains are one of the most bountiful cotton-growing regions of Rahen, bringing to market one of the subcontinent’s three greatest cash crops and dozens of other foodstuffs and luxuries that keep Rahen’s countless millions fed, clothed, and sated.
+10% Production Efficiency

The DefiantUpon our defeat our house was broken. Our Eastern lands were absorbed by Imperious Stripe of Ghundagar, and the lands of Satarsaya granted to their bastard house of the Iron Stripe.\n\n Most insulting of all however, the cowardly Setabura were granted control of the rich lands of Keyattordha and adopted the name the Bloody Claw, favoring an honorific granted them by the Bloody Raja and abandoning our name in a final act of betrayal. We have lost much, but we remain defiant, and one day, we shall reclaim our birthright, and our place at the raja's side...
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

-1% Prestige Decay


