Seinathiller Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Home of Bardic MagicDuring the War of the Sorcerer-King, the legendary elven troubadour Alarian Singkeep, took a fort occupied by Castanor by singing the entire garrison to sleep. The fort was renamed Seinathíl, meaning Singer's Keep. After the war Alarian became known as the founder of the modern school of enchantment, as well as the elven style of bardic magic, establishing the first bardic college in the keep itself.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Courtship Songs"Oh True Love, who glows with Ryala's Grace, for whom my aching soul desires deep embrace. Never wander, never tarry, before all of Minara's temptations made, my spring of life, my waiting heart, the tree who casts their shade. I beseech thee long and hard, before the Mothers gaze, illuminate my dreary life like the sun's most vibrant rays."\n -One of many songs written by a Seinathíller noble during courtship
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+25% Chance of New Heir

SongbargesA songbarge is a type of ship that goes down the rivers of Esmaria carrying cargo and song. A sort of moving performance, where skill doesn't matter as much as enough volume that the sailors and anybody on the rivershore can hear you.
+20% Domestic Trade Power

Seinathíl WarsingersAlarian and his elven descendants remained the stewards of the keep until his granddaughter married into the half-elven Silistra family, which eventually passed to their rule when Alarian died in 1311.\n\nWith this they brought the Istralari Banshee to the lands, but the nobility and the Esmari in general found the brutal shriek the warriors were infamous for offensive, and modified it into a proper musical art called 'warsinging', named after the elven founder of the Silistra dynasty, Istralania Warsinger.
+10% Morale of Armies
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Songs of Ryala"Oh divine beauty, maker of vows, How radiant the sun shines upon your brow. Beautiful maiden, queen of adoration, grant me your blessing, your wonderful ovation."\n-Famous song about Ryala of Seinathíl origin
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Seinathíl Institution of SongEsmaria loves music: every river party must have a musician, every court needs a musician, and every tavern needs a musician. The best musicians in Esmaria are trained at the Seinathíl Institution of Song, which was formed by exiled creatives from the Konwell Institute. From there these professional musicians go to fill the courts of Esmaria and beyond.
+25% Improve Relations

Standardized Paper SheetsMusicians have many ways of passing on their songs, but for long term preservation, it has to be written down. This practice could be standardized in Seinathíl with the creation of Sheet Music. All properties of the paper are standardized to ensure consistency. The standardization of paper applied to government also improves the efficiency of the administration.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

+1 Yearly Prestige