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Primary Culture

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Last Free MetobesebiWe look to the east, and see the foreign Iyarhashari dominate our eastern kin. We look to the center valleys, and see it crushed under the tyranny of the zor Berileb-Boharsa. Only here, in Sedarketema, does the last fire of the free Metobesebi stay burning. This is the unifying ideal of Sedarketema, a Metobesebi federation free from the tyrannical influence of outsiders.
+10% Morale of Armies

Elected HegemonThe establishment of Sedarketema was predicated upon the agreement that no patriarch should hold complete power over another, lest Sedarketema recreate the tyranny of Teleksemayi. To this end the federation created a system where this could never occur.\n\nThe leader of Sedarketema is the hegemon, a man chosen from among the high ranks of the army by the patriarchs. The hegemon must never be a patriarch himself, and no family should have one of their own serve as hegemon twice in a row. In turn, for the sake of the unity and stability of Sedarketema, the hegemon shall not show favoritism towards his own family.\n\nThis system led to Sedarketema having far more stable politics than other Mengi kingdoms, while at the same time avoiding the tyranny found in Sedarketema's rival. It also selected men with great military experience, which aided in the survival of the federation.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Raheni SupportIt seems we alone were not the only ones that rejected Teleksemayi's tyrannical rule, for the Raheni invaders seek to cut them down, fearing the growing power of the tyrants. They have begun to aid us, sending us money, material, and mercenaries for our cause.\n\nWhile we do understand the true reasons they are doing this, it is but a necessary evil. Once we have finished off Teleksemayi, the Raheni on the coast will be next.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Defense Of WalagnetThe borderlands between Sedarketema and Teleksemayi are filled with hundreds of hillforts, owned by either side. The control of these forts shift daily, neither power gaining complete control. In Walagnet rests a great hillfort, its thick stone walls and large garrison a barrier to any advance by Teleksemayi southwards.\n\nEventually, Teleksemayi sent an army to take the fortress. It held for a year, long enough for the federation’s army to arrive and force the besiegers to flee.\n\nThe defense of Walagnet proved the superiority of large defensive strongpoints, instead of small wooden forts Sedarketema had been building up to this point. From then on, Sedarketema would build great stone fortresses across the land, stymieing any Teleksemayi advance.
+15% Fort Defence

A Federation Of FamiliesThe very name "Metobesebi" means hundred families. Unlike our adversaries, we embrace this feature of our people. Ours is a federation of families, free to rule as they see fit in their personal domains. By leaving our administration to the family patriarchs, we have no need for a large bureaucracy like other kingdoms, saving resources better spent towards the army.
-33% State Maintenance

Last Stand Of DenkaretAt first it was gradual, losing hill fort after hill fort to the slow, methodical advance of Teleksemayi. Even the legendary Walagnet fell in the end, Sedarketema’s power dwindling. And with the Raheni cutting off their life line, they knew the end was near. In 1478, Sedarketema was pushed to Denkaret, the last stronghold of the free Metobesebi. Every available man, old or young, gathered in a suicide army of 8,000. The king of Teleksemayi had arrived with his much larger host, prepared to exterminate the defenders and their families to the last.\n\nThe final army of Sedarketema hid behind their final hillfort, prepared to fight to the end. They fought on the walls, they fought in the courtyard, they fought in the keep, they fought in the watchtowers, they fought in the barracks. They never surrendered. They were eradicated.\n\nThe price Teleksemayi paid was enormous, as the Sedarketemans killed two men for every one they lost. And while Teleksemayi entered the battle with 20,000 men, it left Denkaret with only half still standing. The defenders, exterminated to the last, became martyrs. They along with Sedarketema itself became symbols to future Metobesebi on the better path their people could have taken, rather than the tyrannical Teleksemayi.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Exile RecipesThe last stand at Denkaret gave the families of the defenders the time they needed to escape. Although the state of the free Metobesebi had fallen, its diaspora dispersed across East Sarhal, spreading the old culture of the highlands to those below. Most notably, the vegetarian recipes of the Metobesebi would be widely circulated by the diaspora, becoming staples among the Mengi diet as a whole.
+1 Yearly Prestige

-15% Stability Cost Modifier


