Sarnavani Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Humans in Upper RanksHarimari are not numerous in Shamakhad, and the burdens of running a kingdom with minority rule are numerous. While the caste system historically denied humans entry to the warrior and administrator castes, rigid adherence to these restrictions was far less common in Shamakhad than in the south. While the ruling harimari rarely enjoyed elevating humans, doing so generally strengthened the states that did so.\n\nIn Sarnavan, caste-fluidity took the form of title purchases - talented human soldiers and philosophers with sufficient wealth and prestige were allowed to purchase their way into the upper castes and pass their status to their children. This practice enriched the crown, empowered the state, and ensured that upper-caste humans would never outnumber the harimari, as the number of wealthy humans was never high enough to cause great challenges to the system.
+1 Possible Advisors
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep

Northern LotusBefore the lords of the Lotus Claw were masters of both Sarnavan and the Second Harimraj, they began as the rulers of the petty kingdom of Durasidheni. The family would rise to prominence during the collapse of elven rule in Haless; in the midst of the Jaerelic wars, a headstrong scion of the family named Dhubuvar led a company of adventurers to the aid of the city of Sarnavan, which was in open revolt against its elven governors.\n\nDhubuvar and his adventurer companions joined the resistance, organized the defenders, and liberated the city. For these deeds, Dhubuvar was elected king of Sarnavan, and his descendants have ruled the city ever since. In this, they remain the more established branch of the Lotus Claw dynasty, and even when their cousins claimed the mantle of Harimraja in the south, they had the satisfaction of being the elder house within the family.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Sabavilh NamaLaxanyar, 17th Lotus Claw King of Sarnavan, was foremost a scholar and scientist. Unlike many of his peers, however, Laxanyar was not interested in treatises on philosophy but in practical common knowledge. Noting that none in Rahen had ever written volumes detailing common aspects of life, Laxanyar endeavored to bring all of the realm’s knowledge together and compile it in one place.\n\nThe end product of this project was the Sabavilh Nama, or "The Harmony of the Mind". A 23-volume encyclopedia that provided a general overview of the state of Raheni knowledge in the 1400s, the tome was regularly updated with new editions, volumes, and information, and is considered one of the best sources for understanding the actual lives and thoughts of the population of northern Rahen in the 1500s and 1600s.
+20% Institution Spread

Lordship Over the NorthThough small in size, Sarnavan long held major ambition in Shamakhad and Dhujat but suffered a series of setbacks in gaining supremacy of the region - first with a series of defeats by Rajnadhaga and Tilathi in the 1100s that lost their western lands, then the loss of southern territories to the new Raj in 1308.\n\nWith the invasion of the Command sending the north into chaos, however, Sarnavan’s fortunes began to turn as remnants of the Kingdoms of Tilathi and Kamapar gave fealty to Sarnavan in exchange for protection. Looking to expand their power further, Laxanyar brokered an alliance with the weaker kingdom of Parraj and made plans to bring Rajnadhaga and Khadisrapur into a grand coalition with Sarnavan at the head - one that could be united into one state after defeating the Command.
-15% Province War Score Cost

RezangalMade of golden steel and dotted with garnets radiating in a sun ray pattern, Rezangal was an enchanted Precursor shield that radiated blinding sunlight when raised by its wielder. It was once owned by Dorendor Olorzuir, one of Jaher’s greatest commanders during the Halessi campaign. Olorzuir subjugated Northern Rahen while Jaher marched eastward and ruled Shamakhad from Sarnavan until the collapse of the Phoenix Empire in the 1130s.\n\nWhen Jaher was assassinated, Olorzuir rallied to Jaerel’s banner and put down a series of rebellions in Shamakhad, but was unable to prevent a major revolt from breaking out in his capital of Sarnavan. Cornered in his palace, Olorzuir was eventually cut down by an angry mob, who seized his shield and awarded it to the new king Dhubuvar. Today, Rezangal remains a symbol of Sarnavan and among the personal accoutrement of the kings of the city.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Sharp Minds, Sharp Tongues, Sharp BladesIt is standard among the harimari to have philosopher-generals, as versed in poetry and calligraphy as in war. Many times, this belief in an educated and cultured warrior ends at the officer corps, and the rank and file of the army is given little consideration, particularly conscripted humans. Sarnavan’s caste flexibility began to filter down to its soldiers, however, and as humans began to be accepted among the elite, the expectation that all would adhere to high standards of cultural excellence began to extend to humans as well. Basic training for new soldiers in sarnavan involved not only exercise and weapons drills but philosophical discussion, artistic pursuit, and personal excellence.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Tigerlords of the CommandThe years of conflict with the Hobgoblins ended with Sarnavan’s subjugation beneath the expanding might of the Command. As the decades passed, the cultural influence of the hobgoblins began to have a major effect on the human population of Shamakhad, and led to the emergence of the Wuhyun cultures. While many harimari in the north resisted these cultural blendings, those of Sarnavan did not.\n\nThe long penchant for pragmatic cultural acclimatization that had defined the kingdom of Sarnavan persisted long after its fall, and many of the harimari families in the region embraced the practices and beliefs brought south by the Command. In doing so, Sarnavan’s harimari would become the most common harimari auxiliaries among the Command’s forces in their southern campaigns, and would merge their martial philosophies with those of the hobgoblins to create extremely skilled warriors.
-10% Military Technology Cost

+1 Diplomatic Reputation