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Primary Culture

-10% Core-Creation Cost
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Akalates of ArmEledas I Sarelzuir created a network of subject states, ruled by both humans and elves, that supported his rule. Not unlike a feudal system, these subjects were given the right to rule their own land, in turn for military support to their overlord. These Akalates of arm both provided manpower to Sareyand, but also functioned as auxiliary forces that operated beside the forces of Eledas I. Under Eledas II their prominence would decrease and some of their land would even be lost, but in the later years of his rule and during his successors this network would be restored.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

The Black AshesThe Kingdom of Sareyand rose to prominence at the end of the Jexisian civil war under the leadership of Eledas I Sarelzuir. The flag recollects the burning of Jexis' palace in Sareyand as a child, that earned her the title 'the Burned Empress' and left her forever masked to hide her scars. It is from the black ashes of that palace that she rose and it is from the black ashes of that palace that the next phoenix will rise.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Land of Sunshine ManorsUnlike the sun elves living among the city-states of central and western Bulwar, many of the sun elves of the Kingdom of Sareyand live in large countryside estates. Their manors are splendid marriages of Bulwari, Halessi and sun elven architecture, with their great storehouses being abundantly fed by acres upon acres of farmland. The profits earned from this agricultural abundance flow for a good part into the coffers of the state.
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Way of the Blazing SunThe priest-wizards of Sareyand enjoy a unique position both in court and on the battlefield. Their talents are well respected in both and their ranks are closely tied to the ruling family. These monks are both priests of the Sun Cult and students of learnings of the Righteous Path. They have combined techniques from the latter with sun elven magic from the former into a new style of martial arts. This 'Way of the Blazing Sun' is marked by inward perfection towards Surael to brighten the light within to a blazing radiance which the monks can release in the heat of combat to deadly effect.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Shock Damage

Supremacy under the SunAbove all other countries in Bulwar, the sun elves of Sareyand sit high and mighty above their human servants. They watch from the verandas of their countryside estates as their farmhands toil in the fields, so that they can do their duty to Surael. And everyone will know that they are the rightful heirs of the sun.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Avamezan PurebredWhen the sun elves landed in Bulwar, they brought their horses with them. Many of these noble beasts marched east with Jaher, but some remained in Bulwar. One breed of horse that descended from those creatures are the Avamezan Purebred, the steeds of the nobility of Sareyand. They are famed for their speed, strength and fearlessness on the battlefield.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Ash LegionThe ruins of Jexis' empire left many successors scrabbling for dominance. While the war machine of the Phoenix Empire had fractured in Haless and Cannor, many tried to revive the old legions. In the east the desert legion of the Jaddari arose, but they betrayed their heritage and lost their claim to the Phoenix Empire. In Sareyand a new legion arose, under the guidance of officers from the old Phoenix Legions. This Ash Legion was proclaimed by some to be the truest successor of the Phoenix Legions.
+5% Discipline

-20% Harsh Treatment Cost


