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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Union of CitiesThough rich and prosperous, the cities of southern Rahen had never truly been united. However, once united, it quickly became clear that to disunite them would be an even harder task, as a unique Sardhasi identity had been forged amongst the Raheni and harimari who made up the new state. Whatever city they came from, petty squabbles were for the most part put aside, as a new union of cities was forged.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Construction of New PalacesAlthough the palaces of the south were some of the greatest in the world, they could still be greater. Genius architects from across Rahen would design vast new palaces, each grander than the last, as cities would build progressively larger palaces in order to outdo their rivals in opulence.
-10% Construction Cost

Combined ArmsA tactic adopted from the old Dhenijanraj, Sardhasi would make use of a combined force of Humans and harimari, with the harimari making up the elite core of units, whilst Humans filled out the ranks. This combined fighting force would prove extremely effective, with the two race's skill-sets neatly complementing one-another's.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

Loosening of the Caste SystemThe Edict of Sardiphadin, passed centuries ago, reestablished the caste system still seen today. Placing harimari firmly at the top, and Humans decidedly not at the top, many Raheni have seen the new system as little more than the tool of an oppressor. However, as the cities, both human and harimari, have grown closer, the system has loosened somewhat, allowing at least a little upward mobility. Although not perfect, this change seems to have kept the general populace happy.
-1 National Unrest

The Great River SchoolHarimar's great-grandson, Manava, established a tutoring program to absorb as much knowledge from the old Raheni scholarly class and to raise up the intellectual development of the harimari. Over the generations this institution grew into a widespread school in which the brightest harimari and Raheni worked together for intellectual pursuits.
-5% Technology Cost

Architects and EngineersAlong with general growth of the Artificer community, as with the rest of the world, Sardhasi saw a particular influx of siege engineers. Quickly developing its own school of siege engineering, the Sardhasi would become renowned for being able to capture fortresses with minimal structural damage, preserving the architecture and repurposing them for their own needs.
+1 Leader Siege
+10% Siege Ability

Rahen SilksAs Cannorian traders began arriving in greater and greater numbers, it became clear they sought two products over all else; porcelain and silks. Although the Porcelain cities of the north held a relative monopoly on that trade, Sardhasi was able to quickly begin mass-producing silk to be bought up by the westerners. This trade would make Sardhasi increasingly wealthy, for no matter what, the silk must flow.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+10% Production Efficiency


