Saqraxat Ideas

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-20% Fort Maintenance
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Definition of LoyaltyWhen men were ruled by God-kings, Elikhet saved them. When demons emerged from the oceans to burn the fields of Kheterata, Elikhet provided feasts. When the Sorrow and its people languished under the Damerian boot, and tremors shook the earth and sunk the coasts, Elikhet returned to bring his people salvation. The Saqraxati believe that they are also the chosen people of Elikhet, and that he will return to save them in their hour of direst need. All they must do is serve his Kingdom faithfully.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

The Clan StructureThe organisational system Saqraxat adheres to is ancient, our people are collected into numerous clan-towns, villages inhabited by a single extended family and their slaves. These clans famously compete with each other for glory in all matters, but the clearest mark of a clan's prestige is their slaves. The amount of slaves a clan possesses implies their martial prowess, with owned Gnolls being considered twice as impressive as human ones and being forced into military service as shock troops.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

WimxanritWimxanrit is a large fortress in the southwest of Saqraxat, a base mudfort constructed many centuries ago that was then hugely expanded and strengthened with Kheteratan funding and oversight. The fortress makes excellent use of its position at the fork of the local river, and has withstood every assault against it thus far. It serves as both a monument to Kheteratan grandeur and an example of the extreme importance of terrain advantage in defence.
+10% Fort Defence
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

The Tables TurnedGnolls were the first slavers, but the Saqraxati have made it a game. To the Saqraxati, a slave is only a slave when it has been overpowered by its owner in combat. This means that there is little slave trade in Saqraxat, instead all slaves are captured directly by the clan they are owned by. The Saqraxati clans' competition has led to all clan heads being highly adept at capturing vast amounts of slaves. Humans are put to work in agriculture and construction, while gnolls (being powerful fighters and terrible labourers), are made to serve as a first line in battles; a whirlwind of claws and fur.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Internal Race for PowerA well known result of Saaqraxat's competitive clan structure is the rapid spread of new techniques and ideas throughout the realm. As one clan adopts an advantageous technique or technology, suddenly gaining more wealth and slaves, other clans will scramble to replicate their newfound edge.
+20% Institution Spread
+5% Production Efficiency

On the Control of the BeastIn 1547 a guidebook was written and published by an unknown author with experience in the Saqraxat military. The book listed locally-known tips on how to effectively do combat with a gnollish opponent, but then went on to abstractify several key techniques and cleverly reapply them first to other humanoid enemies, then entire armies. This guidebook, "On the Control of the Beast", would go on to permanently influence Saqraxati military thought.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Resource RedistributionThe Saqraxati were always a rurally-biased people, and this did not change when the realm acquired highly developed urban centres. In fact, when occupying prosperous cities, an organised pillaging campaign would be overseen by the clans whose warriors made up the occupation force. This would bring home slaves and wealth from urban regions into the clan-dominated countryside, spreading wealth more evenly throughout the realm, if not throughout the people.
+25% Available Loot

-20% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion