Sapphire Ideas

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+50% Innovativeness Gain
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Scholars of the DwarovarDûr-Vazhatun was once the hub for the brightest and most eccentric minds in Aul-Dwarov to gather, argue, and search for truth together. Though many of their names and works have been lost to time, the empty libraries and broken laboratories they left behind bear witness that genius existed here once, and inspires us that it could exist again.
-5% Technology Cost

Skygazers'What is the sky but a great cavern filled with sparkling diamonds?', a common saying amongst the Sapphire Dwarves\n\nDwarves generally hate the sky. The sky knows no bounds. It goes on forever. Solid ground however has a beginning and end. It's reliable. It's safe.\n\nThe sapphire dwarves think differently, for surely there must be an end to the great dark beyond? And if dwarves have a love of gems then surely they must desire the shiniest objects of all: stars.
-10% Idea Cost

The Setzunkhûpa"Dûr-Vazhatun" means "Home of the Dark Sky Watchers", or "The Observatory" in simple Common. Atop the highest peak of the northern Serpentspine lies possibly the greatest achievement of Aul-Dwarov; the giant stone and iron sphere known as the "Setzunkhûpa", or the "Sky Dome". On clear nights when the stars are shimmering the sphere will open, quaking the very mountainside itself, clearing the way for the massive telescope inside.\n\nCrafted by Mellegar the Inventor from the rune-strengthened glass of Orlghelovar, this observatory can observe the celestial wonders of the world in ways the rest of Halann can barely dream of. Unfortunately, the wonders of the Setsunkhûpa led to nightmares that brought low Dûr-Vazhatun in the past. Increasing use of the observatory led to a malady called "Astral Terror" which inevitably led into madness and hysteria about 'what lies behind the stars'.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

Research-led Surface ColoniesEven dwarves are children of the stars, many of them spent their entire lives underground, but the Sapphire Dwarves funded many surface colonies. Research demanded them to push to bounds never before broken, and settle the surface so that their children may sleep gazing at the night sky.
+1 Colonists

The RuminatorsThe Ruminators are a series of ruined sculptures through the Hold of the greatest scholars of old Dûr-Vazhatun locked in deep thought, pondering the greatest of puzzles of their age. From still-famous names like Mellegar the Inventor and Beddugr Melmarn to dwarves whose names and accomplishments have been lost to time. We should repair these great works and honour the greatest of our own scholars with new ones. The Ruminators can once again serve as a reminder of all the discoveries and philosophies created in these halls and the everlasting fame awarded to our brightest minds.
-10% Institution Embracement Cost
+10% Institution Spread

Students of Mind and SkySince the beginning of our history we have been fascinated by the sky and stars, dreaming to uncover their secrets. The grand archives were filled to the brim with research papers, research teams were sent out to the surface, laboratories were dedicated to astronomy, and the great observatory was constantly used to study the sky. From all over Aul-Dwarov we were famous for our scholars and astronomers, ever looked upon with jealousy among their peers thanks to the breakthroughs they made revolutionising their fields.
-10% Advisor Cost

Sapphire WitWe are a home to many impassioned scholars, and thus also to many an impassioned scholarly debate. As proper decorum befitting a distinguished scholar of Dûr-Vazhatun must be observed at all times, it has become increasingly common for these debaters to express their true feelings toward one another through more subtle words. Many of our greatest thinkers pride themselves on how deep and sharp their words can cut their opponents, all without ever saying anything impolite or disrespectful of course.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

-20% Land Attrition