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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Last Loyal Jungle KingThe Sitewosi Kings on the border of Great Fetengoni were offered a deal by the High King, to serve as his loyal subject and protect his border in exchange for the support of his Kingdom. Most of the local Kings rejected the offer; while some would accept a demand for tribute from the Great King, few wished to outright proclaim their sovereignty forfeit. The King of Saposakosa accepted the offer, taking the name Fikra I Fikra-Marda, and the title "Son of the Prosperous", and with support from the armies of Ibekisedara we forged a powerful nation in the eastern jungle. To this day the oath we swore to Fetengoni has not been rescinded.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Wear at Them and WaitIt is well known to all Sitewosi that our nations do not last, we unite and separate time and time again. With this in mind is it any wonder that we of Saposakosa prefer waiting behind our fortified stone walls for our besiegers to eventually splinter from disease and arrow-rains, rather than spend our lives fighting them in the open? Those who would take to the field given such a state are wasteful and foolish, and we would have no part of their scheme.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Remnant ConnectionsIn the days of Great Fetengoni, our court was vibrant. Wise warriors, strong statesmen, and awesome artists from the lands of the prosperous all came to us across the roads from the east. Though Great Fetengoni is gone, through their western heirs in Ibekisedara and Ketemcaka their influence can still be felt, and it is from here that we recruit many great minds to serve us. Nations of the jungle generally find it hard to attract such talent, as life here is commonly far more rough than well-off men of the Yeteferen find acceptable, additionally, their language differs and their nobility is older and prouder. Nobles of Saposakosa of course, as subjects of the Great king, all speak the High Mengi of the Yeteferen, and most have ties and even family among Fetengoni’s successors. With this prestige and opportunity for hospitality, along with offering chambers in the wide stone palaces of Saposaketema to worthy advisors, it is no wonder such men come to us frequently and willingly.
-10% Advisor Cost

Old Dogs Know Many TricksIt falls to those who survive wars to teach their ways to the new warriors. With the concept of glory in death being integral to our culture, many Sitewosi don’t see old warriors survive their wars. Saposakosa is different. We have long refused to let the expertise of our greatest be lost and wasted by this trend. In our lands old soldiers refrain from posts on the front; instead they train the next generation of our young warriors, maintaining the skill of our military and the tactics taught to us long ago by the generals of the Great King of the east. The strongest skills are passed on by the survivors; to be the best, we must learn from the best.
-25% Regiment Drill Loss

Clans from Greater KingsUnlike the fleeting dynasties of other Sitewosi kingdoms, our Kings are related to the nobility of righteous Ketemcaka, ancient Ibekisedara, and some of the more prestigious clans even claim relation to various Lesser Kings of illustrious Fetengoni. It is no wonder then, that our nobility is more established, respected, and influential than those of other Sitewosi.
+5% Nobility Influence
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Ruins of SaposaketemaKing Fikra II built a city in the Sitewosi jungle with the aid of Saposakosa’s Yeteferen overlords. This city was tall and fair, fortified with mighty stone walls, with streets paved in smooth, copper-coloured stone and lined with refreshingly draughty houses and palaces. Tragically, without access to stone from the East the Saposakosan Kings have long lost the ability to maintain this place. The streets and palaces have been left to crumble, in order that they maintain the integrity of the high walls. In time however, the Forest Clans vow to reinvigorate their architecture and rebuild the roads to the east. In brazen tones they sing that stone will once more be brought there from the mountains in great and joyous caravans, for Saposaketema shall be rebuilt to last eternal.
-25% Construction Time

Fortify Against the UpstartsIn 1436 the King of Ketemcaka was slain by Lishan I, King of Bosonkikon, halting their efforts to tame the Jungle. Then once more in 1444 the King of Ibekisedara was forced to surrender his westernmost fortresses to Lishan’s ruthless armies. It is clear that the ambition of the Bosonkikoni king to oust Yeteferen influence will bring him to us next. Though we are no strangers to such conflicts, our wise king Aante II, to be ready for the ‘Upstarts’, mandated an expansion of the militia system in 1445. Our walls shall be manned to the brim and armed to the teeth when the ‘Dread Fang’s’ armies arrive.
+20% Garrison Size

-10% Construction Cost


