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Primary Culture

-10% Morale Damage Received
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The LiberationWe were once a group of slaves, forced to work for the tyrannical lords of old. Once, we toiled away in the mines, in the homes of the wealthy, in the fields, destined to die a slave. But with the fall of Kheterata's authority, we saw our chance. Under the leadership of the charismatic Maracourt, we rose in revolt, and gained our freedom by iron and blood.\n\nOur surroundings are not kind to us, and if we are to keep our freedom, we will need competent leaders. It is no wonder then, that all leaders of Samsumbat look to Maracourt as an example to follow.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Free CouncilsThe state of Samsumbat is deliberately decentralized. At the lowest level of governance is the free council of local communities, made up of at most a dozen representatives of the local villages. These free councils each send a representative to the provincial council, and each provincial council would send a representative to the national council held in the capital of Samsumbat. This system ensures that all will be represented in Samsumbat, while also keeping the state cohesive and powerful.
-2 National Unrest

Guards Of The FreeWhile our regular army is made of volunteer militias called up to defend our state, we will need more than this traditional system if our republic is to be protected. Thus the Guards of the Free were born, an elite, professional army who are never disbanded. Paid on a monthly basis, they protect the borders from enemies abroad, and are at the core of any Samsumbati army on the field of battle.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Gold, Metal, And JewelsOur land is blessed with a natural abundance of all kinds of resources beneath our feet. Thus Samsumbat became a center of mining in Khetapera, and even after The Liberation this had not changed.
+10% Production Efficiency

Rights Of The LaborerOne of the first acts of the new republic was to institute a list of rights every laborer was entitled to. This not only led to safer conditions for the workers, but also a more stable society.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Squashing SquabblingEven after The Liberation, not much would change for the common man. While the house slaves took on the jobs of their former masters, the miner slaves returned to the mines as laborers once more, for they had known nothing else. It would not be long before tensions brewed between the House Faction, made up of the former slaves in the towns and cities that served the wealthy, and the Mountain Faction, made up of the former slaves of the mines.\n\nBefore civil war would erupt, leaders of the two factions came to an agreement. They would crack down on internal dissent, and instituted universal agreement. There would be lively debates within the councils, but as soon as a vote was held and the debate was concluded, all would hold a single opinion on said issue.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The State EntrenchedThe events of The Liberation have long fallen out of living memory. Generations have passed, the old order being completely forgotten. Our land is that of a free and stable republic, representing the common laborer. Our republic will never fall!
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

-10% Infantry Cost


