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Primary Culture

+75% Female Advisor Chance
+15% National Manpower Modifier
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Cow-Herd GuardiansIn the land of the Three Mothers, Men have always played the role of defender and guardian for the cattle that make us famous. Generations of Bojuto Maalu (Cowguards) have perfected the art of cattle shepherding from horseback, using lassos and our great lances with well-refined movements to keep our cattle contained and also safe from harm. Though we try to maintain our lifestyle as peacefully as possible, centuries of war between Fangaulans and the Khet, with our people stuck in the middle, have further hardened our Bojuto Maalu. This tradition of skirmishing and cow herding grants us a sizable force of experienced and rugged horsemen to call on in times of war.
-20% Cavalry Cost

Cattle Mothers of SamisheshaThe Omo Maalu (Cattle Mothers) are the rulers of our cattle camps and their expertise in trading and dealing with other cattle camps and cow herds is a great boon to us. Their talent in bartering and negotiation greatly assists in exporting our yogurt and milk across Noukahi, giving us our reputation for the best dairy produce on Halann.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Great Omo MaaluThe Ngombe Kitoko is a land of Matriarchs. Our cattle camps are governed by Omo Maalu, the most experienced and capable women of our village, who are often the only central figure of governance in their little fiefdoms. These rulers congregate at the Temple of Ruby and Bronze, one of our only permanent settlements, as well as the resting place of the Three Founding Mothers, to elect the Great Omo Maalu who rules over all the cattle camps of Samishesha.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Wild Planes of the WestOutsiders who travel to our cattle camps may at first gain the impression that we live a wild, destitute and tiresome frontier lifestyle, but they could not be further from the truth. Our plains are rich, when you know what to look for. Cow herds in their thousands roam across the horizon, with our riders keeping vigil over them. The soil, while not ideal for agriculture, grows all that we need to live by. The trees never cease to provide wood for our shelters, and the sky gives ample water for our cattle. It is a life worth living; we intend to keep these plains as wild as they come, if that's what it takes to protect our camps.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+8% Movement Speed

Eager to DrawWith the recent influx of Cannorian arms to Samishesha, the men of the Bojuto Maalu have evolved past just being our herdsmen and guardians and have turned into a more structured military force, capable of beating back invaders. They are primarily the protectors of the camp; however, with the instability in the other Medasi, as well as more frequent gnollish incursions encroaching on our lands, many men wish to take their talents further afield. To take the fight to the enemy and to secure our future through war. This emerging culture of maverick male-led gangs pursuing glory can actually be useful to us - if we point them toward a meaningful enemy they could become an excellent vanguard force in our armies.
-10% Morale Damage Received
+50% Prestige from Land battles

Rounding up the KittensFor centuries we have been the battleground between the Fangaulan Empire and Kheterata. We submitted to the Khet-worshippers to secure our tribes from harm, but since then we have grown to new heights far above what our ancestors would have imagined. Our place amongst the great tribes of West Noukahi and the greatest of all the chosen of Khet must be finally cemented; with our conquest and reorganisation of the corrupted and decadent Medasi to our south. Only then can we truly claim to be superior to all other chosen of Khet.
-20% Unjustified Demands

The Cattle of World's DesireAs our people become more open to the world, it has become more well known how rare and exotic our cows are. Their fine colourful hides are sought after by many merchants, from Lencenor to the far lands they call ‘Yanshen’. This business has grown to become one of our staples in modern times, as our nomadic lifestyle and dairy exports cease to suffice for most of our populace.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation


