Salla Ghul Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

One With NatureWhile other armies must struggle to feed themselves in the field, wood elves know how to work with the land in order to sustain themselves. And while other armies struggle to ford rivers and cross hills and mountains, we know the paths that they do not. We are, after all, one with nature.
+8% Movement Speed
+25% Supply Limit Modifier

Home of the Ashentree FeyOur grove is home to one of the most vindictive, foul-tempered and bloodthirsty kinds of Fey, the Ashentree. Their ancient grudges have caused them to absolutely despise humanity, and their murmurs of revenge have been filling our ears for centuries.\n\nOpposing them is not recommendable, but we can not adopt their ways either. Making war with the outside world was impossible before the Verdant Veil fell and is inadvisable after it fell. Great as we are, our clan cannot face the world. Thus, we have settled into an uneasy compromise, agreeing to accept their help whenever their enemies become our enemies.
-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

Senses Honed in the DarkThe mighty Serpentspine mountains cast a looming shadow over the half-obscured groves of Ghul, whose secrets are hidden even from the other clans. Nobody besides the Ghul knows what lies in the dark and they make sure that anybody who might know will not leave the twilight of their homes without losing something in return. Usually something far more important than they could ever hope to gain.
+30% Foreign Spy Detection

Shrewd DiplomatsThe Unseelie Fey are considered a fickle bunch, even by their fellow Fey. Many clansmen and women have found themselves unwittingly committing slights against the Unseelie and have in turn been cursed in various horrible ways. These… incidents have taught us actions and words matter. Say nothing more than needs to be said. Do nothing more than what needs to be done. After all, you never know who is watching.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Ranger ArtEven in an age of new, spectacular weaponry, we have not forgotten our military traditions. Ever since we first ventured into these forests, we've trained some of the best scouts, rangers, and outriders. Even if it's unconventional, we should apply this training to all of our soldiers.
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Gift of the ForestUnlike other people, we don't work against the forest, we work with it. When we work with the forest, then, the forest works with us, and gives us what we need when we ask of it, without coercion, and without violence against it.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

A Wood Elf RenaissanceWe have been lost in the Deepwoods for centuries, unaware of what was happening in the lands outside. The Greentide - for better or for worse - changed all of that. We have been thrust back into the world, and we must experience our own, uniquely Wood Elven renaissance if we are to keep up with the rest of Cannor, and the rest of the world.
+10% Institution Spread

+50% Innovativeness Gain