Saerraeg Ideas

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+15% Morale of Armies
-15% Province War Score Cost

Masters of All Terrain WarfareThe Saerraeg now have access to multiple types of feline mounts to adjust for any type of battle, no matter where it takes place, and can move and administer their horde armies regardless of location and inflict decisive blows upon their enemies.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+33% Cavalry Combat Ability

Unification of the PlainsFor the first time, Chendhya has been united under one banner, and because of this the state has the manpower of more than a dozen tribes at its disposal, ready to march against the fertile lands of Taychend and Devand.
+20% National Manpower Modifier

Advancement of Foreign CommandersWhile the Chendhyan army was primarily composed of Chendhyans, the infantry troops favored open recruitment of conquered peoples, with a system of meritocracy rather than a bias towards Chendhyans. This system became essential in preventing rebellions from newly conquered areas, as those who could fight joined the military, leaving little in the way of an organized rebellion.
-5 Years of Separatism

Feline Breeding SanctuariesWith the loss of habitat, the feline mounts of the Chendhyans risked extinction. To resolve this, the Saerraeg started implementing ranges where only beasts can roam, and as the population grew - thanks to Chendhyan breeders - the Saerraeg started obtaining their mounts without the risk of endangerment.
-20% Cavalry Cost

Vengeance Against the Ancient OppressorsWith the Saerraeg's expansion came with the knowledge that the oppressors of old had many followers and sympathizers across Aelantir, believing themselves to be the scions of these despots. The Saerraeg abhor all of these frauds who cling to the past, and will set their towns ablaze to prevent the rise of any who attempt to jeopardize Chendhyan freedom.
+25% Razing Power Gain
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Arts of the HuntMany of the nobles in the Saerraeg's court commissioned dozens of art pieces, with a large portion of them emphasizing royal hunts across the plains of Chendhya, a unique theme not found in many other places around South Aelantir. Accordingly, Chendhyan artists have developed a unique niche in artistry, finding a demand for their works beyond their borders.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Enlightened ChendhyanWith the conquests of the Kheionai colonies and the Taychendi city-states, newly accessed knowledge from these lands inspired the Saerraeg court to take the best aspects of them and implement them into a more modernized state as per the Askaeorg faith of taking from others. This philosophy especially proved more useful with the arrival of the Cannorians, trading modern firearms to the Chendhyans for ports and trade deals.
-5% Technology Cost

+10% Governing Capacity Modifier