Saddathar Ideas

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+100% Army Tradition From Battles
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Salt Storehouses in the MaruthaThe Lordship of Saddathar grew from a series of storehouses founded along the southern edge of the Marutha in the later days of the Rahenraj, when the Raja’s armies struggled to maintain control of the Ghankedhen foothills in the face of major insurgent activity. The plentiful salt mines near Saddathar made it a useful place to build storehouses and preserve foodstuffs for extended campaigns into the region, and dozens of such supply depots were carved into the stone of the area.\n\nThe quartermasters who maintained these storehouses would become the first lords of Saddathar when the Rahenraj disintegrated, and these great stores of food and weapons are still used today.
-5% Regiment Costs
+20% National Supply Limit Modifier

Masters of the Art of FalconryThe scrub-deserts of the southern Marutha are a perfect place for aerial predators to hunt, their sightlines unobscured by rolling hills or dense forest. Many birds of prey soar the thermal updrafts that rise from these sun drenched plains, and the people who live here have a long tradition of capturing and training these animals for hunting, sport, or war.\n\nThe master falconers who staff the many courts of Rahen are connected by the Raptor trade in Saddathar, as the majority of high-demand species, such as the majestic Raheni Spotted Eagle and the prismatic Jhilamil falcon, are caught and trained here.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Home of Dark Lord JagaddipendraNear the town of Saddathar, there sits the ruin of a vast palace complex. Only the wind haunts this place now, but the locals tell stories of the dark shadow once cast over the land by the palace's most infamous resident - Jagaddipendra, the Dark Master of Rahen.\n\nMany titles are given to the infamous mage who attempted to seize the throne of the Harimraj in the early 700s AA - the Warlock of the West, the Black Bowman, the Traitor of Tughayasa, the Sorcerer of Saddathar. Once a captain in the Prophecy Guard, Jagaddipendra was a charismatic man and powerful mage, second only to the High Augur of Tughayasa in skill with divination and prophecy. For unclear reasons, he became disillusioned with the Oracular Order and defected from the guard with a group of devoted followers.\n\nThey fled to Western Rahen and rapidly built up a loyal following among the local people. Using force of arms and Jagaddipendra’s skills of prescience, the various local lords of the west were deposed, and with none left to challenge him Jagaddipendra declared himself King of the Hills and Plains. Such a declaration was open defiance to the Raja in Dhenijansar, and when emissaries arrived demanding an explanation, the Sorcerer of Saddathar gathered his most loyal followers and instead marched on the capital.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Tisarha Dola, the Third EyeBeyond his magical prowess, Jagaddipendra was best known for his skill as an archer. Feared by his enemies as 'The Black Bowman', the Warlock of the West carried an ebony bow known as the Tisarha Dola, an artifact from the time of the Oracle Kings.\n\nWith the Black Bow in hand, Jagaddipendra marched 2000 men towards Dhenijansar. Arriving at the city, the captain of the watch demanded that the upstart lord surrender his weapons, but Jagadipendra answered the man with an arrow in the throat. As their captain fell, the defenders launched volleys of arrows at Jagaddipendra, but he stepped calmly between the falling shafts, none so much as scratching him as he returned the defender’s arrows to them. Each found the eye or throat of one of the guards, and soon the walls were silent save for the choking of dying men. With the defenders dead, Jagaddipendra’s forces seized the city and slew the Raja.\n\nWhen news of this display spread, it so shocked the feuding warlords of Rahen that they agreed to an armistice until this terrible mage could be brought to heel. When Jagaddipendra did finally fall, his bow was recovered by a young warrior who was given lordship over Saddathar. Though it has not been seen for many years, the Tisarha Dola is supposedly still held in Saddathar, a trophy and reminder of the dark time of the Warlock of the West.
+10% Shock Damage

Songs of the Auric SandsThe local people and lords of Saddathar have long adhered to the Golden Palace school of High Philosophy, the staunch conservative form that predominates in southern courts where Harimari rule is strongest. As with many places away from the centers of the schools, however, there are unique regional variations on the common rituals and forms observed by the Golden Palace have sprung up in Saddathar.\n\nHere, this variation takes the form of the Auric Chant, a derived form of standard meditation. Meant to conjure the emptiness of the desert in the mind to enable better self-reflection, the Auric Chant is performed by a group of at least five individuals, with two drummers and two flutists accompanied by at least one cantor. The musicians will allow their minds to drift and become still, striking notes that elicit the rustling of wind over sand and the cries of desert wildlife while the cantor provides a low ululating note to center the musicians and any other celebrants that have come to join the group. Famously done without conductors, each variation of the Auric Chant is different, and while considered highly unorthodox by the Golden Palace scholars in Dhenijansar, the local people are fiercely proud of their unique tradition.
+20% Religious Unity
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Vanguard against the PraxisThe emergence of Guru Suhan and his so-called ‘Synthetic Truth’ in the late 1400s led to major religious upheavals in Rahen, as Suhan’s followers questioned and sought to undermine the cultural institutions on which the Raj had stood for a thousand years.\n\nThe conservative government in Saddathar, led by the Prabhi Sandranayar V, were natural opponent of Suhan’s Praxis, standing with the pronouncements of Grand Vizier Naranyar III of the Bloody Claw that Suhan was to be captured and brought before the Raja to explain his heretical views. Sandranayar lent huge sums of money and soldiers to the Raj in the pursuit of stopping Suhan, ensured that Suhan’s philosophy was not tolerated in his lands, and came very close to capturing the Guru when his entourage passed through the Red Gates of Shenral as they fled to the safety of the coastal cities.
+20% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Leyidhu Bread FestivalAcross the whole breadth of recorded history, bread has been among the most important foods for people the world over, regardless of caste, creed, or race. People of all of Rahen’s castes have an appreciation for bread, and dozens of different varieties are made in ovens across the subcontinent. In the mid 1600s, the village of Leyidhu began its transformation into an internationally famous center of bread production in an incongruous way.\n\nEach year, before the start of the monsoon, the storehouses of Leyidhu would be cleared of old supplies that would not last the coming months, and new deposits of salt, meat, and grain would be stored away. The old supplies were given to the people in the local villages, who used the surplus materials to hold small celebrations. Over the years, these grew into larger affairs that would involve the whole community baking different breads and pastries that would be available to all in attendance, regardless of caste.\n\nThese festivals would draw people from far and wide and continue into the modern day, where they draw acclaimed culinary figures from across Haless, Bulwar, and Cannor, who all come to share ideas and compete for the prestige of producing the highest quality breads at the festival.
+15% National Tax Modifier

-15% Land Attrition