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Primary Culture

+10% Ship Trade Power
-20% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Strangers in a Strange LandWe Bulwari thank Surael every day for our freedom, and this freedom we could not have were it not for the arrival of Jaher, Surael reborn, and his people, the Sun Elves. Everyone in Bulwar knows this, but we are not in Bulwar anymore. We are strangers in this new land, surrounded by people who are nothing like us.\n\nThe Cannorians, who have come to settle the other islands in this great sea, know nothing of our faith, of Surael. It's not them who have been freed from slavery, so who are we to tell them they must do as we do? If Surael wills it, he will surely send His Chosen to show these people the light, however, this is not a task for us. We are content to leave them and their false gods to their own devices.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Saamir's Wonderful Relic EmporiumOur founder Saamir was the scion of a lesser branch of one of the Twelve Families of Bulwar. When he announced he'd be departing for an expedition to Aelantir, most thought this would be a fruitless endeavor, doomed to fail. Oh, how wrong they were.\n\nThrough his family's connections, however distant, he was able to secure enough funding to make this expedition succeed, and thanks to increasing Bulwari and Sun Elf emigration we were able to gather enough people to survive and thrive in these distant lands.\n\nThough a merchant by trade, Saamir also happened to be a student of history and somewhat of an expert in the field of Genie and Precursor artifacts. This came in very handy when searching these ruin-scorched isles for relics, which are key to deciphering the Precursor Elves' ancient secrets.\n\nThe less useful baubles will fetch a good price back home in Bulwar, where many new stores bearing our founder's name are being opened to sell them.
-5% Technology Cost

Battle of the Reaper's CoastThe Battle of the Reaper's Coast was a naval battle between Saamiršes and Zanlibi fleets. In 1590 the Zanlibi came to blows with Saamiršes over trade rights in the Trollsbay, which escalated into a full-fledged trade war.\n\nEarly in the war, a patrolling Saamiršes fleet was caught by surprise by a Zanlibi fleet off the Reaper's Coast. The battle was decidedly in Zanlib's favour, and the Saamiršes fleet suffered heavy losses to Zanlib's mirror arrays, which would easily burn our ships one by one. The fleet would have been completely annihilated, were it not for the fortuitous arrival of a ship from Bulwar, carrying Sun Elf tourists, blown far off course.\n\nAs luck would have it, one of the tourists on board of the ship happened to be a powerful evocation mage...
+10% Morale of Navies
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay

Saamiribar Luxury ResortsThe Sun Elves have a duty to Bulwar and its people, to keep the Darkness at bay and to preserve the Light forever. Though many of Surael's chosen have felt the call of Aelantir, many more would consider leaving Bulwar shirking their sacred duty. Even then, they yearn to see the home of their ancient ancestors. Those that did not decide to join those Exemplar fanatics would rather choose to come visit on extended vacations. We are, of course, more than happy to oblige them, which is why we have built many luxury villas on these beautiful tropical islands.\n\nThe burden of their sacred duty lays heavy on the Sun Elves' shoulders, and we are happy to help them relieve some of the stress, and also relieve them of the gold which lies heavy in their purses in exchange.
+10% National Tax Modifier
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

The Brasanni ConnectionBeing the greatest port in the region, it's only natural that most of our goods that we export back home would pass through Brasan, the largest and richest city in all of Bulwar, currently. It's only logical that the city is also home to the largest criminal underground.\n\nMany of the locals involved in criminal activities would also seek their fortune in the Ruined Sea, though they would acquire it by unsavoury means. Some would turn to piracy, and eventually even the goods seized from passing Cannorian trade vessels would also find their way to Brasan to be sold.\n\nUsing pirates to our advantage may be morally objectionable, there is no denying their effectiveness, so we shall look the other way, in exchange for a cut of the profits.
+10% Privateer Efficiency
+10% Trade Efficiency

Legacy of FreedomBefore Jaher the Liberator arrived on Bulwari shores, our people laboured day and night under the crack of gnollish whips. We knew slavery first-hand, which is why we would never stoop so low as to inflict this barbaric practice on any other creature.\n\nThe Cannorians rely on the labour of Orcish slaves to grow their crops of sugar and cotton in their large slave plantations. How can a man labour with no pay and a whip over his head? The practice of slavery is alien to Saamiršes, and our plantations rely on the labour of paid workers instead, who are compensated fairly for their hard work. Pioneering this model of fair-pay plantation work has paid off immensely, and thanks to it we are able to extract more crops and therefore earn more money!
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

End of the SeascourgeJust when we thought we had escaped the constant gnollish raids in the Divenhal, a new threat has appeared. The pirates of Mykx, mutineers from the realm of the Viakkoca, had set up their base here, in the Ruined Sea, raiding our ships and abducting our people into slavery. We could not allow this.\n\nIn 1604 the war to end the raiders of Mykx began. The gnolls put up a hard fight, but thanks to Surael's blessing and the lessons we have learned from our Sun Elf leaders, we have defeated them and destroyed their slaver-state!\n\nNever again will another soul be abducted to be sold as a slave by these creatures of darkness, not as long as we keep watch over the Ruined Sea.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

+1 Merchants


