Rosen Rider

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Rosen Rider

Primary Culture

-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost
-1% Prestige Decay

Centaur KnightsOur noble warriors enter battle clad in full steel plate armor, awe inspiring in its magnificence and terrifyingly effective on the battlefield.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

Noblesse ObligeAs the divinely anointed rulers of these lands we have a responsibility to our subjects to serve them as their leaders and guardians and to act with honor in all interactions. If we are to call ourselves nobles, then we must conduct ourselves nobly.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Fair CasteThough we may be their betters, our subjects can rest well knowing that we take our morale responsibility to protect the weak and helpless seriously. No bandit, brigand, or corrupt taxman can be allowed to harass our subjects so long as we of the Rosen Riders draw breath.
+20% National Tax Modifier

Diplomatic CorpsMany of our neighbors still label us as the ruthless conquerors we once were. We have trained a corps of charismatic and affable diplomats to show them that we have realized the sins of our forefathers, and are eager to make amends for their molestation of this beautiful land and the suffering inflicted upon her people.
+1 Diplomats
+10% Improve Relations

Down With The OldOur barbaric ancestors foolishly held to their warlike and antiquated ideals and traditions, dismissing the advancements and boons of proper civilization. We shall not be so dull, our land shall be one of progress and innovation, where ideas can flourish and the sciences prosper.
+10% Institution Spread

From Citadel to FieldOne cannot truly rule a land they know nothing about. Our nobility frequently makes trips around the countryside so they know what they're fighting for, and so our subjects know that we shall always be present to defend them.
+10% Governing Capacity Modifier

Rosen PearlA gleaming pearl set within a crest of gold leafed rosemetal, the Rosen Pearl is the highest honor one can receive within our empire, awarded posthumously to those that fall in battle serving their solemn duty to the Caehn and his people.
+20% Morale of Armies


