Rosander Ideas

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+5% Discipline
-10% Leader Cost

Grape CorveeThe grape corvee does not merely refer to the practice of requiring the nobles to give up a portion of their slaves under a corvee system to work on royal lands every few months, but a complex legal and social system that codifies the idea that the Orcs are a uniquely inferior race, placed to serve their betters.
-10% Development Cost

Knights RósandeShortly after the formation of Rósande, senior members of the Order of the Ashen Rose formed the Knights Rósande, the primary military elite of the country. Their crimson and black plate armour could be seen on the battlefields of Escann even far after it has stopped being used by other kingdoms, striking fear into Rósande's foes.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Slave HuntersLed by the grim and cruel members of the Royal Slave Catchers, every free person (who can't afford a substitute) is expected to join with the slave hunting militias after a certain age. Here, they learn that the whips that lash the slaves also can be used on their backs, as speed outstrips all other consideration as they run down fleeing greenskins to drag them back to captivity.
+15% Movement Speed

King GrapeThe rolling lands that host Rosande make for excellent vineries, a fact latched onto by the recently settled Ashen Rose. With plentiful land, resources, and a cheap source of labor, it is often said that the true king of Rosande does not sit in the palace, but rather on the vine, and King Grape demands plenty from its subjects. No political decision is made in the country that the leadership doesn't turn to the bounty of its tressels.
+10% Production Efficiency

Forgotten Sons of Lorentish NobilityThe Order of the Ashen Rose was made up of lesser sons and bastards of the Lorentish upper class. With no future awaiting them in Lenecor they chose to carve a new future for themselves in Escann.
-10% Advisor Cost
+10% Improve Relations

The Rosander HeroMany tales during the Age of Witch-Kings focus on a Rósander hero (a variant of the literary Romantic Hero), a dark and brooding gentleman-type who is often at odds with the world and its affairs - and most importantly an incredibly alluring figure for the fairer sex.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Great Uprising of 1634In July 1634 Surga's Rebellion shook the foundations of the kingdom. Almost one hundred orc slaves, in an unprecedented act, rose up under Surga, some even on horseback, and managed to kill almost sixty humans before being crushed. Reforms after led to even harsher laws, as well as demands from plantation owners and other free people for better equipped militias with more authority.
-15% Harsh Treatment Cost
+5 Maximum Absolutism

-20% Fort Maintenance