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Primary Culture

+20% National Sailors Modifier
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+25% Religious Unity

The Golden Age of PiracyWealth, fame, power; what drives a man to crime? The answer, opportunity. When the Ruined Sea grew littered with treasure fleets, so too did the jolly rogers litter the horizons! The misshapen and downtrodden, the adventurous and daring, and the bloodthirsty and cruel: what drives these men to raid upon the sea is the mere fact that they can. Those in search of fortune are sure to find it in the precursor relic laden hulls of Eborthili ships; those seeking mystery and exploration can bravely venture into the mists; and those in search of a fight will be sure to get one! Beware, sailors, for there’s pirates everywhere and a pirate in everyone.
+10% Available Loot
+20% Privateer Efficiency

The WindsailWhen one imagines an exile from the enigmatic Sea Elves, one does not picture Thirendil Windsail: a man of elegance, poise, grace and charm. His escapades across Aelantir became the subject of songs and tales that stand today, as do the tales of the incredible wealth and prestige he won along the way. Along his travels, many signed up and learned under him, inheriting his talents at sailing and navigation. These pirate ‘apprentices’ and their crews would come together and form the piratical nation of Rhasáil, a place for more honorbound sailors and pirates to practise their trade.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

City of PlentyThere are many cities in Aelantir, and many still which can be described as ‘bustling’, but few live up to that title quite like Rhasáil. The desperate and dispossessed, the free-spirited and adventurous, and just those simply looking to make a profit can all find a home in the towering rickety buildings, stacked atop each other to make use of the limited space in and around the city; large rope-bridges connect buildings not just horizontally but also vertically, to allow even the taller buildings to be accessed. The city is home to all manner of pirates, each planning and plotting their next legendary raid, or else bargaining and telling tall-tales to fences to sell their last haul of stolen gold and goods. Amusingly, the large population of the city and its concomitant wealth has seen an pseudo-law enforcement arise that serves to at least keep the city functioning, though with a light and loose hand.
-10% Construction Cost

Monsters of the OceanDeep, deep within the abyss of the ocean lie creatures of myth and nightmares, yet not all remain dormant. Gerudian krakens pale in comparison to the tendrils that extend from blackened waves in the Ruined Sea, Dreadnought Whales littered with golden scars break ships in half within their jaws, and creatures with no name leave not even the wrecks of ships behind. These beasts and the pirates of the Ruined Sea are two sides of a coin, bound to each other as a pirate is bound to treasure. A pirate unprepared to fight for their life is unlikely to make it far in these seas, a kind of pirate you’re unlikely to find here. So too then, should the beasts be wary, for each side of the coin be as predator as it be prey.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Honor GuardEver the romantic and honourable sort, Thirendil Windsail wasn’t satisfied with merely creating a thriving hub of piratical commerce and trade, but set out to bring his vision of an ‘honourable’ piratical code to life. He codified his personal beliefs and thoughts into an almost ironclad series of clauses and terms, and created the Honor Guard, an organisation dedicated to upholding these tenets and ensuring that the pirates which call Rhasáil home would heed the code absolutely, or face the dire consequences.
-2 National Unrest

Where None SailDotted lines and scrawlings on paper only take you so far in the Ruined Sea, for there is no true map. When the waves crest tall as the Thorned Lady of Isobelin, what good will a map do you? When a whirlpool sucks you under and you rise once more in unfamiliar seas, what good will that charted course do you? It is the pirate captains who recognize that they do not make demands of the sea, but are merely subjects to its whim. With winds at their backs, the magic of the Ruined Sea can be navigated. When one looks for pirates, you must remember to not only be vigilant of the horizons, but of the skies and the waves as well.
+5% Global Naval Engagement Modifier
-10% Naval Attrition

A Rose of Many ColoursRhasáil, despite being most commonly known as a land of pirates and criminals, also has a less spoken reputation of doing incredibly fine, subtle privateering work for anyone who would potentially have need of such services. Though none would ever admit it, the ledger books of Rhasáil tell that almost every nation in and around the Ruined Sea has sought the delicate hand of these privateers at least once.
+10% Improve Relations
+100% Possible Condottieri

-10% Ship Costs


