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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
yes May Raid Coasts

Redgar CruelheartFor the men and women of Redgarhavn, the tale of Redgar Cruelheart is one that inspires them to glory. Cast out of Rosstavik for killing his neighbor in a drunken brawl, he would reave the seas for many years, even training the likes of Castan Ebonfrost in sail and plunder. After raiding across Cannor and the Divenhal, he returned to Gerudia in 872 to found Redgarhavn, using his treasures to fund the construction of what would become the ravenous maw of Olavlund.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Freemen TribunalSadly, Redgar’s past caught up to him in the form of Saga Elladottir, a harpy who sought him out and challenged him to a duel for killing her uncle in a brawl years previous. After he was slain, the burgeoning settlement was left without leadership. As such, the free men of Redgarhavn, many of whom were veterans of Redgar’s adventures and thus were the wealthiest men and women in the city, formed the Freemen Tribunal. This Althing would elect a leader from within their own ranks, thus maintaining stability and by extension their fortunes.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Expansion of ThralldomFounded by reavers, thralls were commonplace in Redgarhavn, even moreso than in the other ports of Gerudia. While some northern polities began to shy away from the practice, sometimes even outright banning it, the reavers of Redgarhavn expanded thralldom further than ever before, now including large numbers of orcs either seized from raids in Grombar or purchased from the shackle kingdoms of Escann. This endless source of cheap labour fueled the economic might of the port, earning it the title ‘The Cruel Heart of the North’.
+10% Production Efficiency

Merchants and ReaversAs the city grew and grew in the centuries following its establishment, Redgarhavn became ever-hungrier for resources, whether it be goods or the thralls to produce them. As such, the city used its coffers and legacy as a city founded by reavers and cutthroats to attract outcasts from across the seas, people with talents which had earned them banishment and which would serve them well in Redgarhavn. These merchants, armed with experience of almost every port in the Giants Grave Sea and the Dragon Coast, as well as a mysterious supply of goods and coin, could undercut the competition while still turning a profit, ensuring the city’s continuous rise as a jewel of the North.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Alvorson ActAs it turned out, having a large chunk of the population enslaved was a double-edged sword, and one that came close to piercing Redgarhavn’s heart. The sheer number of thralls present in the city and surrounding settlements by the early 1500s led to unrest and the threat of rebellion, until one member of the Freemen Tribunal took notice of this and came up with a brilliant idea. Fredrik Alvorson proposed that they simply create a path to freeman status, albeit one that was difficult and complicated, to ensure that thralls remained plentiful. While this was a system that by its nature allowed only a portion of thralls to become freemen, the dream of being able to do so kept the thralls in check for the most part, so as not to damage their chances.
-2 National Unrest

Timmerman Lumber CompanyWith trade booming in the 16th century, the demand for ships began to be a severe hindrance to the city’s ability to field merchants across the seas and protect its waters from rivals, mainly due to a lack of ready lumber. As such, in 1623 the Timmerman lumber company was established by Hjallmar Timmerman to both solve and profit from the shortage, his company becoming the port’s main lumber supplier within just a few years. It would later grow to become one of Cannor’s largest timber companies, renowned for its excellent ship-quality timber.
+10% Galley Combat Ability
-10% Ship Costs

Jormhjaert Naval AcademyIn the later centuries, Grombar marched to Redgarhavn’s very doorstep, with only the city’s naval dominance in the region keeping it from domination by the orcish menace. The ships of Bjarnrík continuously battled the fleets of Grombar to keep the Grey Kingdom from sweeping across Gerudia, and the Konungdomr soon realised that it was the ships crewed by those from Redgarhavn that fought the hardest. As such, they established the Jormhjaert Naval Academy in 1700 to channel this fervor to defend one’s home, and the academy went on to produce some of the greatest captains in Bjarnríki history, defending the city and therefore the entire kingdom for over 70 years before Grombar seized it in the fires of the Magnate Uprising.
+10% Morale of Navies
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

+20% Ship Trade Power


