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Primary Culture

+30% Garrison Size
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Blades of the OracleThe Oracle at Tughayasa is protected by the Prophecy Guard, a group of mystically gifted warriors who dedicate their lives to defending the Temple of Augury from any who would bring harm to its inhabitants. The folk of Rayavhatimana, the flat plain at the southern base of the mountain, have a long history of serving the Oracle, and many of its young men and women serve as members of the Prophecy Guard.\n\nTraining from youth with the glaive and bow that are the preferred weapons of Tughayasa’s protectors, those who do not pass the rigorous tests required to join the guard remain in Rayavhatimana and have proven themselves to be capable warriors in the past, defending Rayavhatimana from invasion with great skill and zeal.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
+5% Recover Army Morale Speed

Rest for the Pilgrims of the Holy MountainThe Holy Mountain Tughayasa is sacred not only to those who adhere to High Philosophy but also the followers of the Righteous Path found throughout Yanshen, Xianjie, and beyond. Many travelers come to seek the wisdom of the Oracle each day, clamoring for a chance to meditate in the halls of Tughayasa and hear the whispered words of the One Who Sees, but before beginning the climb up the shoulder of Holy Tughayasa they often rest in Rayavhatimana.\n\nHere, the dozens of small villages that dot the plains are well equipped to house these travelers, with many inns and taverns that can accommodate the adventurers and monks that wait for admission to the Temple of Augury. Though the pilgrims who come to Tughayasa are not often wealthy, they do have enough to pay for room and board, and the villages of Rayavhatimana make a tidy sum housing the voyagers who pass through their lands.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% National Tax Modifier

Election of the High CaretakerThe lordship of Rayavhatimana is an elected position, selected from among the capable elders of the community. This strange succession system is an ancient tradition dating back to 1200 BA, when Devaraya, the last Oracle King, foresaw that he must leave Tughayasa and forsake his kingdom in order to prevent a terrible future. Devaraya separated his offices of King and Oracle, appointing a successor to each - a holy oracle to govern matters spiritual, and a High Caretaker of the Kingdom of the Oracle who would maintain the land.\n\nDevaraya promised to return from his self-imposed exile when "peace again ruled in the hearts of men", but that he had seen that he must first journey east, beyond the rising sun itself, before such a day could come. Though Devaraya has never returned to Rayavhatimana, the High Caretakers continue to shepherd his people, awaiting the return of the last Oracle King, tending his lands and serving the holy monks of Tughayasa until the day when he returns and men know peace in their hearts.
-2 National Unrest

Xianjie Cultural ExchangeThe hills of Xianjie are the closest of these eastern realms to Tughayasa, and the monks of the Xia are among the most common pilgrims and members of the Prophecy Guard after the Raheni. The proximity of the Xia to Rayavhatimana has led to a great deal of interaction and cultural diffusion between the two groups, with commerce and intermarriage common.\n\nThis long history of peaceful interaction has led to a mutual acceptance between the groups and a tolerance in matters where they continue to disagree, such as in matters of faith or war.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Unified Spirit of the MuthadhayaThe Muthadhaya, or Oracle's Children, are the cultural group to whom the folk of Rayavhatimana belong. Living in the shadow of Mount Tughayasa, the Muthadhaya have never been many, and they are much diminished from their glory days when the Oracle Kings ruled much of Shamakhad and Dhuat, but they retain a strong cultural and culinary identity, common linguistic roots, an agrarian lifestyle and a great devotion to Tughayasa.\n\nThough they are scattered across a dozen different realms and rule themselves only in Tughayasa and Rayavhatimana, the Oracle’s Children are Muthadhaya regardless of whoever happens to rule their lands at that moment. The Muthadhaya rely on each other, and are always ready to aid their kin with whatever skills they know, and while abroad Muthadhaya families are well known for their hospitality, offering food, shelter, and a good story to any of their kinsfolk who wander beyond their native lands.
-15% Advisor Cost

Yoke of the ChimeraThe Hobgoblin conquest of Northern Rahen folded the Muthadhaya into the growing empire of the Command and imposed their foreign laws and customs on them. This conquest was, in many ways, better received by the Muthadhaya than by the other peoples of the north, as they had spent many years under foreign lords. The rule of the Command was different to that of the Raheni princedoms that had come before, however - the hobgoblins were a strict people who cared only for efficacy, community, and military competence, but these ideals were not so far from the values common among the Oracle’s Children.\n\nThe Muthadhaya, and the regions around Rayavhatimana in particular, would integrate well into the Wuhyun cultures that formed under the Command’s rule, fusing the agricultural and communal traditions of the defenders of Tughayasa with the disciplined and martial spirit of the Hobgoblins, producing a society of highly effective soldiers.
-25% Regiment Drill Loss

Principles of Wuhyun'To be Wuhyun is to be a man of honor, but what is honor? I answer you, honor is this: do not lie, do not be insincere, do not be obsequious, do not be superficial, do not be greedy, do not be rude, do not be boastful, do not be arrogant, do not slander, do not be unfaithful, be on good terms with comrades, do not be overly concerned with events, show concern for one another, be compassionate, with a strong sense of duty. To be Wuhyun is more than merely the swiftness of one’s blade or a willingness to lay down one's life.'\n-Chandra Malhotra, On Honor, 1714
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

-10% Morale Damage Received


