Ravelian State

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Ravelian State

Primary Culture
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+25% Religious Unity
-10% Technology Cost

Universal Revelations to the TruthThe Ravelian Church can only be rivalled by the Jadd in their mission to spread the faith to all corners of the world.\nAs each Revelation is discovered (a major finding unearthed or doctrine settled within the church), the closer the faith gets to the Truth (a total understanding of the world), and the more the faith must spread bring the world to the fold.\n\nOnce the world is converted to the true faith, the Ravelians believe that God will be empowered once more and grant salvation to all.
+50% Prestige per Development From Conversion

Ravelian Society OriginsThe Ravelian Church was born from the Ravelian Society, a group of academics and reformists that wished to unravel the secrets of the world through reason and empiricism. The first members of the society were in fact Corinites who were unconvinced that fighting injustice with sword and shield was enough, and sought for a greater fight against lies and injustice that would encompass the whole world, not just Cannor.\n\nThe Ravelian Society eventually became a place for great thinkers in a time when religious conflict and superstition was rife, and to this day their legacy of reason still permeates through the church.
-10% Advisor Cost

Aspects of the One GodThe Ravelian belief in a One God is quite unique in the world of Halann. While most other faiths are polytheistic, and even the faith of Surael accepts the existence of other gods (while claiming they are dead), the Ravelian Church is truly monotheistic, believing that there is only one god. The Ravelian One God is seen as all-knowing, all-powerful and all-present - all other gods are either aspects of (a part of) God, saints that emulate God's ideal, or non-existent and false.
+10 Maximum Absolutism

Warrior AutomataA type of Mechanim created by the church to serve as soldiers, guards and holy warriors. The first automata stood well above the common man, and were armed with large tower shields capable of defending their charge, in addition to an embedded gun in the other arm to fend off the unholy. Since then the Warrior Automata have become a feared reminder of what happens when religious zeal and intellectual brilliance is combined.
+5% Discipline

Original Sin of the Precursor Elves"It is said that God created all things, and would bestow magic, their own power, to their creations when they deemed them worthy.\nThe precursor elves, one of their creations, were not worthy. And so in their envy and impatience, conspired with each other to strike down God and steal their power for themselves.\n\nBut lo, they could not defeat God truly, for God was all-powerful.\nThey could not find God, for God was all-present everywhere.\nThey could not deceive God, for God was all-knowing.\n\nBut in God's wisdom they allowed themselves to be deceived by their plot and defeated by their creations, and bound into the God Fragment.\nFor God has compassion and empathy for their creation, and knew that one day they may prove themselves truly worthy and redeem themselves in the eyes of the Lord."\n\n-Provenance 1:23-30
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Artificer-PriestsThe Ravelian Society, and later the church, were responsible for many great advancements in the field of artificery. The Church believed that magic was divine, and that artificery was a way to allow all of God's creations to benefit from Their power (magic).\n\nMany Rectors (the common name for a priest) were knowledgable in the art of artificery, and one of their main responsibilities was tending to the needs of the faithful, which in this case not only involved traditional religious duties, but also acting as teachers and mentors, but also as local artificers creating and repairing inventions for the needy.
-1 National Unrest
+10% Production Efficiency

Speaker for the God FragmentSaid to be the last vessel of a defeated One True God, the God Fragment is guarded in a hidden location only known to the upper echelons of the High Rectorate. The God Fragment is monitored for its rare communications, which it does through high-pitched frequencies that can be deciphered and translated into an variant of precursor elven. The High Rector and the Veridicals are the first to hear the messages of the God Fragment, and it is often up to them to discern what revelations and insights it can offer - once a new revelation is found, the High Rector acts as the speaker to evocate the God Fragment's message.
-5% All Power Costs

+1 Diplomatic Reputation


