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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Brotherhood of the Bloody CloakDuring the campaigns of Olhokar the Fortuitous against the many remnant Aedzudars of Taychend, many flocked to the banners of Gophira, eager to end Chendhyan dominance over Taychend. However, after Olhokar pacified the Guaraddhi, and the Chendhyan threat seemed to have been vanquished, many went home, content to turn back to shedding the blood of their fellow Taychendi instead.\n\nBut Instead of turning their backs on the Chendhyans – allowing them to regather their strength and threaten Taychend once again – the founding members of the Brotherhood of the Bloody Cloak understood the need for constant vigilance and active intervention. And so, ever since Olhokar accepted their offer of service, they have fought back against the Chendhyans, the massive greatsabres and heavy white-and-red armour of the men of Rakkabuttai striking fear into the hearts of Chendhyan warlords and raiders everywhere.
-15% Shock Damage Received

Bulwark of the WestThe Brotherhood of the Bloody Cloak was founded to protect Taychend from another Chendhyan invasion, and it only takes one look at their many imposing fortress-outposts to know that is exactly what they intend to do. The city of Rakkabuttai itself – the "Pass of Blood" – is a prime example, with the armouries and barracks of the city housing a garrison large enough to dissuade even the most menacing Chendhyan host. The blood-red banners dominating the city walls saw the end of many would-be-Ueltaerons, the soldiers within the city just as important as the walls protecting it.\n\nWith scores of watchtowers, camps and holdfasts strewn across their territory, each with a formidable complement of soldiers because of this "garrison mindset", the soldiers of the Brotherhood not only had the forces to defend themselves, but to counter attack and punish whoever had the bad idea to attack them – it is no wonder Rakkabuttai was known throughout Taychend as "The Bulwark of the West"
+20% Garrison Size

The Western PillarSlavery is an ancient institution in Taychend, with those who ruled before the Ruin keeping much of the population of slaves – and though neither Rakkabuttai or the Brotherhood was initially especially dedicated to the practice, their enmity with the "Chainbreaker" Chendhyans, the Adezeghs of Caergaraen, has nonetheless driven them into being the steadfast "western pillar" of the Taychendi slave trade, guarding slaver caravans on their way to or from Clematar and selling war captives of their own back to Taychend.\n\nThough their involvement in slavery would be a driving force behind the eventual destruction of Rakkabuttai, as a Caergarae offensive combined with a slave uprising finally forced the soldiers of the Brotherhood from their fortress on the frontier, for centuries it was the main source of funding for Brotherhood activities, and part of what allowed them to maintain such a well-equipped military.
+10% Global Trade Power

Daratam the ChargebreakerThough Daratam was not the founder of the Brotherhood, he is assuredly one of its most capable and important leaders. Rising to become the Lord of Rakkabuttai in the waning days of the War of the Six Emperors, Daratam was forced to contend with the chaotic dissolution of the Second Gophiran Empire. With support from the east cut off, and the Brotherhood having grown complacent and weak due to the support of Gophiran soldiers, it seemed that it was only a matter of time until Rakkabuttai was overrun.\n\nHowever, when a Chendhyan Adezheg led a grand host to destroy the hated Rakkabuttai once and for all, it was through Daratam’s innovative strategies and steadfast determination that Rakkabuttai was saved. Rallying his men around him, and employing every anti-cavalry technique he could think of, Daratam’s forces shattered the charge of the Chendhayan army. Daratam himself slew the Adezheg and his feline mount, saving Rakkabuttai – and perhaps Taychend – from utter devastation, in a feat that the Brotherhood will never forget.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Retribution PaymentsIn order to finance the acquisition of new Kheionai-made military equipment, Rakkabuttai established so-called "Retribution Payments" during the mid 1500s. Though cloaked in ideas of retribution and compensation for the damage the Chendhyans had inflicted on Taychend during the days of Ueltareon the Decimator, the true nature of these payments was simple to understand – any village or tribe that paid would avoid the punishing slave and pacification raids to which the Brotherhood would regularly subject them. With the military dominance of the Brotherhood on the steppes increasing, this protection-racket-esque tax was resisted by few, and eventually became vital to Rakkabuttai’s finances.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Taychendi to the HiltRakkabuttai’s position on the frontier has not tempered their Taychendi identity, in fact it has only strengthened it, with the members of the Brotherhood clinging to the ways of their homeland, the memories of the place they are protecting spurring them in their sacred mission. Among the Taychendi soldiers of Rakkabuttai, this sense of cultural unity and zeal has bound them together, and the men and women of the Brotherhood of the Bloody Cloak stand more united than much of the rest of the subcontinent.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Twelve Laws of TessenadesTessenades Puresteel was a leader of Rakkabuttai in the early 1600s, a time when the city was at the apex of its power in the frontier, having pacified the Chendhyan tribes on their borders and even occupied Caergaraen. With few enemies, and a good relationship with their overlord Ameion, Rakkabuttai was beginning to fall prey to moral degradation and corruption, as the Brotherhood began to care more about enriching themselves than their stated mission.\n\nTessenades, the Grandmaster of the Brotherhood, promulgated a code of unbreakable laws that clamped down on this growing corruption, and began to set the order on the "true path" again. While the winds of change would see that Rakkabuttai would eventually fall from power, Tessenades ensured that the Brotherhood would face their fall as the stalwart military force they were founded as, rather than simple armoured bandits. Even in exile, after their city was destroyed by a resurgent Caergaraen, they would not forget what they were born to do.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

-10% Morale Damage Received


