Railskulker Ideas

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+20 Global Settler Increase
+1 Leader Siege

The Rail-TitheThe rails of the Dwarovar have been our Clan's home for as far as our histories tell, but with Dookanson enslaving many goblin clans and emptying the Dwarovar of orcs, an opportunity arose to conquer Er-Natvir, the heart of the rail network which we call home. The cost was paid with the Rail-tithe, a system where we extorted or forced any goblin clan or small enough orcish warband that wanted to move over the railways to give over a portion of their wealth and slaves. In time, this system allowed us to build the forces necessary to take the Heart of the Rails that we now call home.
-10% Regiment Costs

The Heart of the RailsEr-Natvir is the heart of our clan, and the clan has given it an apt title of 'The Heart of the Rails' as well, for it was here the ancient dwarves kept the beating heart of their rails going. The rusted wrecks of thousands of carts, which were once moved by ways we do not know, are now no more than burnt out or ruined hulks of metal. Many of the clan would love for nothing more than to repair one of these machines, only of course to make it more fitting for a goblin. For now, we'll have to make do with slaves pulling the carts.
-2 National Unrest

All GoblinhomeSince our arrival in Er-Natvir in 1431, we have grown and expanded, becoming the largest and most organized goblin clan in the Dwarovar to our knowledge, which is quite the feat considering the number of orc raiders and disorganized rivals. Still, it is not enough. Scouts report bands of adventuring dwarves have returned to the Dwarovar, from whatever exile they have endured, likely as a consequence of Dookanson emptying the Serpentspine of both orcs and goblins. We must turn Er-Natvir into an unbreakable fortress, as no doubt there will be dwarves who will seek our home for their own. Er-Natvir must become a home for all goblins- under our clan's rule, of course.
+20% Fort Defence

Dagrite RailforgeA remarkable discovery has been made in the lower depths of the hold, where it seems many of the great rail-machines were maintained. One of these machines is a massive mobile foundry, and from the materials found aboard, is capable of creating new dagrite rails in their entirety. While it doesn't seem capable of laying them on its own, it certainly would make rail repairs much quicker. While we cannot quite yet excavate it as the machine is far too deep, we can study it and in time perhaps learn how to make use of it for our own ends.
+20% Movement Speed

Power of the TechnocratsWe of the Railskulker clan have always been open to new ideas, if only more so out of necessity than desire. Lately however there has been a gradual, if great shift in the outlook of many in the clan. New individuals, calling themselves 'Technocrats' have become influential and even rising to positions of leadership in the clan. They have advocated for a new purpose for our people. One not of simple conquest and pillaging, as our ancestors once did. They advocate a change to a grander goal - Of furthering the technology, security and prosperity of goblinkind.
-5% Technology Cost

Technocrat CouncilsIt has always been a long standing tradition of the Railskulker clan to have yearly meetings to decide on matters of great importance to the clan. With the rise of the Technocrats however, the purpose has changed from that of informal debate and insulting of rivals. As we adopt a more formal system of rule, the Technocrats are using these yearly meetings to interrupt with their inventions, nonsensical debates and strange ideas. The Clanboss has determined that giving them a special council will keep them out of political affairs and allow the rest of us to insult each other in peace.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The Dream of Ves UdzenklanThe conquest of the Dwarovar has been slower than we would like, due to a combination of our less organized kin and returning dwarves. But this has not changed that we are still united by a dream of a home for all goblinkind. Various technocrats of a more philosophical bent have given that dream a name; Ves Udzenklan, the All Clan. A state they say, to unite all goblins regardless of allegiance or origin. A state to explore the wonders of technology. A state to elevate our people to the greatness that dwarves and orcs have kept us from. We will make this dream a reality, and ensure that we take our place as the true rulers of the Serpentspine.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

+50% Innovativeness Gain