Rahenraj Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+33% Land Force Limit Modifier

Reinstate the VedhayidIn ancient times, the Vedhayid served as a vast reserve of men, who though not soldiers, signed up to possibly be soldiers, should the need arise, in return for a small payment. By reinstating this system, the Rahenraj was able to effectively call on increasingly large quantities of manpower to reinforce its vast armies.
+33% National Manpower Modifier
-10% Regiment Costs

Reform the Administrative CasteThe administrative caste of the Rahenraj was for the most part a relic of the old Harimraj. Although adequate at the time, the system still held rampant corruption from the days of decentralised rule. By reforming the caste, however, introducing new, young, and most importantly loyal bureaucrats, the Rahenraj was able to administer its territories in a far more efficient manner.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

The Fifth MinistryIn order to more effectively manage the vast lands of Rahen, the Rahenraj would divide its administration amongst four ministries; the ministries of Justice, Commerce, Infrastructure, and Agriculture. However, in 1783, Raja Ramaswami II would reintroduce the Fifth Ministry, the Ministry of Philosophy, in order to bring all of the Raj's greatest theologians and philosophers under one roof.
+1 Possible Policies

Raheni Linen and SilkAcross the world, from Insyaa to Aelantir, the textiles of the Rahenraj are renowned both for their comfort and appearance. Vast manufactories throughout Rahen would produce massive quantities of fabric, both for domestic use, and sale to merchants overseas, with the export bringing yet more wealth into Raheni coffers.
+15% Goods Produced Modifier

Union of North and SouthRahen always has been a nation of many peoples, more culturally diverse than any other region. The divide, however, has always been especially noticeable when it comes to the north and south, which have always been split by the great Marutha Desert. The Rahenraj, however, has managed to unite peoples from across Rahen, and although there are still Ghavaanaji, Saniryabsadi, Sobhagandi, and countless others, all of these peoples now see themselves as truly Raheni.
+3 Max Promoted Cultures

Control of the Great RiverThe Kharunyana, the lifeblood of Rahen, is one of the most valuable trade routes in the world, home to vast barges laden with silk, porcelain, glassware, dyes, and countless other goods. As a unified, centralised, state, the Rahenraj easily controlled all of this wealth, and more, making it one of the most wealthy nations in the world.
+20% Domestic Trade Power

Raja of AllAs the Raj centralised, the rest of the world was forced to come to terms with one simple, undeniable fact; the Raj was unified, and the Raj was coming. For the Rajas were not content simply with Rahen, and soon, Halann itself would tremble under the boots of the armies of the Rahenraj.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

+5% Discipline