Raging Blizzard Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Shock Damage

In a Single RunWhile others may use complex strategies and deceit to win battles, the warriors of the Raging Blizzard act as their namesake, blowing forward without mercy, incapable of being stopped and crushing all in our way.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability

The Icy ManeTo keep warm in the cold north our warriors have grown their hair out into flowing and majestic manes, the beauty of which inspires awe in those that see them.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Hardworking HoovesTo survive in our frigid lands all must pull their own weight. Idle hooves are unacceptable within the ranks of the Raging Blizzard, and those caught not fulfilling their duties to the horde are punished to the highest degree.
+10% Production Efficiency

'Do They Bleed?'Our warriors have heard this question uttered many a time as they trample over their enemies, our horde's legendary sturdiness and resilience allowing them to shrug off the most savage injuries with little more than a grunt of annoyance, each wound simply enraging them further.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Forever Enduring, Always ReadyOur warriors are the hardiest in Halann, ready to fight in any condition, any environment, against any and all that stand in our path.
+33% Cavalry Combat Ability

Winter Is ComingWe care not for the 'rules' that lesser beings place on warfare, nor do we care for truces. Like the coming of winter, it is only a matter of time until their petty realms crumble beneath our hooves.
-1 Stability Hit to Declare War

Caehn in the NorthWe of the Raging Blizzard have tamed the unforgiving north, wresting it from the weak humans and lumbering trolls through might of arms and strength of will. Our subjects know not to overstep their positions, as we shall brook no treachery within the lands of the Northern Caehn that we have bled and slaughtered to obtain.
-20% Liberty Desire in Same Continent Subjects

+50% Prestige from Land battles