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Primary Culture

-20% Culture Conversion Time
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Battle of the Flowing FieldsThe Battle of The Flowing Fields marks a historic pivot, where adventurers and northern forces repelled Ramapalar’s onslaught, securing the north’s enduring sovereignty. On the Flowing Fields’ expanse, a fierce contest of strategy and strength unfolded, not just for territory, but for the northern realms’ essence—a mosaic of distinct cultures and staunch autonomy. Rampalar’s disciplined legions, previously unchallenged, threatened to engulf the north. Yet, from common ranks arose heroes—adventurers of varied origins, rallying the northern armies with a newfound resolve.\n\nThe ensuing conflict was relentless. These adventurers, wielding novel tactics, thwarted Rampalar’s march. Their valor transformed the plains into an insurmountable barrier, disrupting enemy lines and instilling disarray. Ultimately, their united front and bravery safeguarded the north’s self-rule. This triumph, now legendary, is a testament to unity’s might and bravery’s strength, ensuring the north’s cherished liberty remains, a legacy of those valiant defenders’ sacrifice.
+15% Morale of Armies

Shamakhadi FabricsShamakhadi Fabrics had woven themselves into the very fabric of Haless. Across the vast plains of Raghajandi, their looms hummed with industry, producing silks that shimmered like moonlight, cottons as soft as a mother’s embrace, and wool that cradled warmth. These fibers traversed borders, binding cultures and economies. The artisans of Shamakhad, their hands skilled and weathered, spun tales of resilience and craftsmanship. From royal courts to humble homes, their creations draped shoulders, adorned walls, and induced sweet dreams.\n\nHaving thwarted the Great Command, the North stands poised to weave its dominance across the continent through its textile mastery. A new generation of artisans emerges, ready to stitch their mark on history, as they rebuild workshops, intertwine threads, and infuse life with vibrant hues, all while honoring the venerable legacy of Shamakhadi’s past craftsmen.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Graceful, Enlightened, FierceThe northern riversides, enriched by a substantial Harimari populace, have long been a cradle of liberty and innovation. Throughout the ages, from the era of Harimar the Great to the reigns of Sparathi and Khasardul, these lands have witnessed the ebb and flow of empires. Once mere encampments for Harimraj’s legions, they flourished into vibrant settlements. Following the collapse of the Harimari Empire, these cities became the vanguard against disorder, safeguarding the northern territories in the empire’s honor.\n\nThe kingdom of Khasardul, amidst its search for a rightful ruler, saw the enduring spirit of the Harimari. To them, the land is hallowed, a trust from Harimar himself, compelling them to nurture, defend, and honor it. Their millennium-long legacy includes empowering the local populace with advanced governance and military acumen. The Northern Harimari’s contributions—be it administrative innovations or tactical education—remain an indispensable asset to the region.
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Storied Land of HeroesThe North, during its golden age, was a realm of epic stories that resonated throughout the continent. It was a place where legends were not just spun, but lived—where the tales of gallant heroes and their monumental deeds were recounted from tall grass fields to the rolling hills.\n\nThese stories, imbued with the grandeur of the land’s illustrious past, were shared far and wide, igniting the imaginations of people across Haless. The heroes of the plains -those of Raghajandi- whose daring acts became the stuff of legend, were celebrated in every corner, their names synonymous with courage and honor. Their legacy, preserved in the annals of time, continues to inspire those who yearn for a life extraordinary and aspire to become a legend...
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Arise quickly, brave sons!In times of trouble, the Khedarid people stood as the heart and soul of the northern realms. They were ever-ready to heed the call to arms, rising against malevolent forces that sought to strip away freedom and impose tyranny. Whether it was the uprising against the wickedness of Lohanparayan or standing as the final bastion of heroism against the overwhelming might of the Great Command, the Khedarid were resolute in their defense of liberty.\n\nTheir valor is captured in the verses of an ode that has been sung through the ages:\n\nIn Raghajandi's storied land,\nThe Khedarid make their stand.\n"Arise quickly, brave sons," they cry,\nUnder the watchful sky.\nWith hearts ablaze and spirits bold,\nTheir tales of valor are told.\nAgainst darkness, they draw the line,\nFor freedom's light to shine.
+25% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces
+25% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Court of MirrorsIn the storied realm of Raghajandi, kingship is not inherited, but earned through acts of heroism. Those who rise to this high office are enthroned within the Palace of Mirrors, a symbol of their valor, a testament to their reign, and the site of the kingdom’s most extravagant celebrations. The palace’s allure is heightened by the presence of captivating courtiers, whose beauty and wit are as enchanting as the intricate mirror work that embellishes the halls.\n\nIn this setting, the Festival of Mirrors is held once each year, transforming the palace into a hub of grandeur open to all heroes and aspirants to glory. At this illuminated festival, the ballrooms swirl with color and music, a dazzling display of elegance where the kingdom’s bravest and brightest gather. The ballroom, bathed in reflected candlelight, becomes a canvas for stories of courage and honor. This festival is more than a mere celebration; it is a reaffirmation of the kingdom’s core values. It is a time when the legacy of the past inspires the present, urging a new generation toward greatness. The Palace of Mirrors, under the watchful eye of the Hero-King, stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder that the light of Raghajandi’s legacy will forever shine bright.
-15% Culture Conversion Cost
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Revival of the Northern AgeThe Great Northern Age was a defining period in Raheni history. After the battle of the Flowing Fields in 1311, the disparate realms of Shamakhad maintained their alliance and cooperative spirit to ward off further aggression from the resurgent lotus court. This prolonged period of alliance saw a new age dawn on these realms, characterized by prosperity and social mobility, challenging the rigid caste structure of the south.\n\nCities buzzed with the energy of song and dance, heroes emerged from all walks of life, and deeds of bravery wove themselves into the fabric of Raheni legend. This was a time of transformation, where dreams were pursued with vigor and the spirit of innovation reshaped society. The northern realms, once mere backwater territories to the Rahenraj, the Harimraj, and the Phoenix Empire, became synonymous with the saga of Raheni legends. Though the perfidy of ambitious men would end this age, and the hobgoblin Command bury it forever, the Great Northern Age lived in the minds of many as a better time - the best of what men and harimari could achieve under a free sky.
-15% Development Cost in Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Fire


