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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Black Tiger'What the hammer? What the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp, Dare its deadly terrors clasp!\n\nWhen the stars threw down their spears, and water'd heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee?\n\nTyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?'
+10% Shock Damage

Blood of HarimarAfter the Disappearance of Harimar, the lands of the Ascension Peninsula were given to one of The Tiger King's grandsons, a proud and haughty warrior named Vijaysenar the Crouching Shadow. Though many lines of direct descent to the Progenitor have died out over the years, the lords of the Crouching Shadow dynasty still carry the blood of the progenitor over a thousand years later, and all of the glory and respect that comes with it.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Domains of the OghaprabhiAn ancient system that is maintained in the Ascension Jungles to this day, each harimari lord is given a small amount of land to govern as exclusive hunting grounds upon reaching maturity and proving themselves to the Senapti.\n\nThis decentralized system has left the jungles largely undeveloped and deeply uncentralized, but it has had the benefit of making it far easier to exert some level of control over the dense jungles of the peninsula and to keep the many ambitious young harimari lords here occupied with squabbles against each other and not the throne.
-1 National Unrest
+10% Upper Castes Loyalty Equilibrium

Long Waking from TorporFor centuries the harimari of the Ascension Peninsula paid scarce attention to the outside world, instead focused on internal squabbles, tribal feuds, and personal aggrandizement. While the jungles made it difficult for any outside power to conquer them, the thousand petty fiefs of the Oghaprabhi were hardly a unified realm, and only a powerful hand could ever succeed in pointing all of the Peninsula’s efforts in one direction, and never for long.\n\nThis pattern of behavior finally began to change during the chaos of the mid 1400s, as the general unrest in the military and ineffectiveness of the central government shook the Senapti to action. Efforts by a new cadre of ministers under the young prince Adaraghir helped revitalize Rabaghekhur and turn its focus outwards from the jungles once again, and following the prince's ascension in 1464 Rabaghekhur began to rouse itself from its long period of inactivity and assert itself on the stage of Raheni politics.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Trade League of SardikaIn response to a surprisingly effective in Sardika against the Bhuvaurite governor of the city-state in 1485, the newly energized Senapti came to the city's defense and expelled the occupying soldiers of Bhuvauri. The Senapti Adaraghir met with local city leaders, many of whom were fearful of reprisals from Sramaya, and agreed to establish a protectorate over the city if the councilors of Sardika would lend their wealth to strengthening Rabaghekhur. Whilst there were many rumors that the initial coup was instigated at the behest of Adaraghir, of course nothing could be proven conclusively...
-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Teakwood HullsOf the many great trees of the jungle, teak has proven to be one that is most useful for the nation. Notable for its hardiness and buoyancy, the trees are found commonly throughout the ascension peninsula, providing a wealth of resources that can be put to use building up the requisite navy for controlling the waves and the rich trade that sails upon them. As the Harimraj weakened, Rabaghekhur began to shift its gaze not north to Dhenijansar, but south - across the waves of the Gulf of Pearls, to the former Mengi-Raheni city states resting on the eastern coast of Sarhal.
+5% Ship Durability

Exile Kingdom of MeretgebanWhile the chaotic years of the Wars of the Vizierate were a boon for Rabaghekhur’s ability act independently, it also allowed opportunistic outside powers to attack the isolated Senapti and Prabhi along the fringes of the Raj. In 1503, with the Raj in the final throes of the Vizerate Wars, Bhuvauri took their opportunity to pounce on an unprepared Rabaghekhur, burning its fleet in port at Sardika, and retaking the city once again.\n\nThis disaster was followed shortly thereafter by an opportunistic invasion of the mangroves of Pahruavan by the Prabhi of Tujgal, who had signed a secret agreement with the Bhuvauri government. These disasters collapsed support for the court of the ineffectual Senapti Bagherad, and soon the majority of the Oghaprabhi were declaring their allegiance to the White Tiger in Tujgal.\n\nFleeing from their ancestral lands, the former Senapti and his loyal retainers made their way across the waves of the Pearl Gulf to Sarhal, where they were well received by those cities who were former members of the Trade League of Sardika. Here, the exiled Bagherad would invest the wealth he had secreted away during his flight to attract loyalists, founding a small but effective mercenary company and plotting his return to his rightful place in Rahen. Though they would never retake their ancestral lands, in latter years his son Adaraghir II was invited to become King of Meretgeban, the Crouching Shadow becoming kings in a land far from home.
-10% Morale Damage Received


