Quartz Ideas

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+2 Possible Advisors
+5% Discipline

The Chain BondKrakdhûmvror is an ancient hold founded by the exiles and criminals of the Dwarven Empire. It has stood alone for centuries against many enemies, fighting near constantly to keep those who would destroy them at bay. This state of perpetual war gave rise to a unique culture amongst the dwarven holds, where sacrifice and skill were valued above bloodline, and the good of the hold was held above that of empire.\n\nThe outcasts of the empire gave more for the survival of their hold than any other dwarf in the Empire, be that by gold or blood. This attitude became known as 'The Chain Bond' amongst the people of Krakdhûmvror, a chain between each member of the hold from generation to generation forged in the frozen hardship of the north.
+10% National Tax Modifier
-1 National Unrest

'Zaru ubr Bloth''Skill over Blood,' or 'Zaru ubr Bloth,' has long been something of an unofficial motto of the Quartz administration. As it was founded by exiles and criminals, Krakdhûmvror had very few strong clans in its early days. Instead of positions being determined by bloodlines or clans, Krakdhûmvror favors those with individual talent, which has resulted in a far less rigid hierarchy than most other holds. Even those of the most humble of upbringings can rise to the top, and nepotism is all but sacrilegious in the frozen halls of power.\n\nBecause of this, Krakdhûmvror has enjoyed an innovative and flexible administration for much of its existence. Many a time a disgraced scion of a royal clan fled to Krakdhûmvror demanding status and position, based on little more than their parentage, and all were told the same thing: 'Zaru ubr Bloth', Skill over Blood.
+10% Reform Progress Growth
-3% Technology Cost

Orv Zana ArchitectureKrakdhûmvror has a reputation of being highly utilitarian in style when compared to the grand marvels of the rest of Dwarovar, and while the halls of the Frozen Hold are not without its grand vistas that could rival those from other holds, this reputation is not entirely unwarranted.\n\nKrakdhûmvror's particular style of architecture, known as "Orv Zana", or "Cold Stone", exists only within the realms of the Quartz Dwarves, and has little pomp and circumstance. This is not without purpose; due to its origin as an expanded fort, every building in Krakdhûmvror is first and foremost dedicated to defence and survival. Even the smallest hovel is built to serve as a fortress unto itself. More than once, these fortifications stalled invading monsters long enough to save Krakdhûmvror from the destruction that befell all other holds in West Serpentspine, leading to a common Quartz Dwarf saying, 'Those in gold houses often end up dead.'
+15% Fort Defence

Forges of Ice-SteelKrakdhûmvror is well-known for its unusual type of magic, Icecraft. More akin to Cannorian schools of magic than the runic magic dwarves usually practice, this unique type of cryomancy defies proper classification to any known branch of magic.\n\nThe exact details of Icecraft are a closely guarded secret, but it is known that the hold's namesake Frozen Forges channel the biting cold of the northern winds into a magical energy that allows the hold's Ice-Smiths to create Ice-Steel, a versatile metal imbued with the characteristics of ice and freezing water. From weapons that give enemies frostbite and arrows that shatter into shrapnel on impact, to armour that can 'unfreeze' and flow back together, the potential applications of Ice-Steel are widespread.\n\nWhile the production of the hold's signature steel has over the centuries declined, Ice-Steel armaments are nonetheless common enough that well-off soldiers have at least one weapon or piece of armour made of it, making the Frozenforge Hall's armies a glacial wall of unbending steel and death.
-15% Shock Damage Received

Meritocratic AdministrationKrakdhûmvror's meritocratic administration has long been a source of pride for the nation, as unlike in other holds, it rewards talent and ensures that the hold's governing officials are of a higher quality than anywhere else in Dwarovar. Combined with the hold's will to embrace and adapt to changing circumstances, Krakdhûmvror's administration is exceptionally well-placed to deal with situations that would strain the administration of other nations, such as integrating conquered territories into the rest of the country.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Expansion of Midjurdr KraltThe modern hold of Krakdhûmvror has its roots in Verkal Midjurdr Kralt: Fortress of the World's End. Originally built to protect Dwarovar against the Ice Giants of yore and manned by exiles and criminals banished from the rest of Dwarovar, it became a derelict outpost after the giants' civilisation fell thousands of years ago and was eventually expanded to a hold. As the last outpost of Aul-Dwarov, isolated in the Giants Anvil mountains and disconnected from the Dwarovrod network, the only people who arrived to make a new life for themselves in the hold were those unwanted elsewhere in Dwarovar or those trying to escape their past. This led to the outpost developing a reputation for a solitary culture, and having very little interaction with the outside world.\n\nAt least, until the emergence of the orcs. As the holds of Western Serpentspine fell, refugees began to pour to the hold from Amldihr, Orlazam-az-dihr, and Dûr-Vazhatun, desperate for safety from the orcish menace. The rapid expansion of the hold's population forced the dwarves to work with what little resources they had to expand the hold's defences, living quarters, and infrastructure to accommodate a vastly larger population in a relatively short period of time. While this event took place ages ago, the dwarves of the Frozen Hold of Krakdhûmvror still retain the lessons of those days to this day, allowing them to easily integrate foreigners and expand the hold's infrastructure to account for the needs of the people.
-10% Development Cost

As Unyielding as QuartzGiant's Anvil is one of the least hospitable environments in all Halann to found an urban society in. The region is undeveloped and isolated from the rest of the world, lacking in resources, and surrounded by hostile monsters.\n\nAnd yet, the Quartz Dwarves have not only learned to survive in the hostile north, but thrive in it. It takes the most tenacious and determined people to work together in order to survive in as unforgiving an environment as Giant's Anvil, and centuries of hardships and struggle for survival have led to the dwarves of Krakdhûmvror becoming as unyielding as the quartz they get their name from. No matter what they might be up against, the Quartz Dwarves will face the odds with grizzled determination.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

-15% Province War Score Cost