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Primary Culture

yes May Raid Coasts, including coasts of countries with same religion
+10% Trade Efficiency

Red Haired DevilsThe men of Prukakhin are well known for their carmine red hair, dyed with the juices of the Narothiakuu beetle native to the city and its hinterlands. Their distinct hair color, along with our merchants' cutthroat, intimidating, violent and underhanded mercantile tactics, have given rise to rumors that the blood of demons run in their veins.\n\nLet them talk! Anything that helps the bottom line...
-5% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-15% Cost to justify trade conflict

Pilfering the PhoenixWhen Jaher's army arrived at our walls, we opened our gates and welcomed him in with open arms, as the merchants convinced us that their empire would have had an even greater demand for the ivory goods we are famed for. So we betrayed our former Harimari masters and sided with the elves. In return, Jaher banned slavery and punished our merchants for their so called 'barbaric' conduct!\n\nWhen we liberated our city from elven rule, we were able to seize the fleet they left behind and study their designs. These boats were elegant, yet required less wood than our old ships and formed the foundation of our great fleet that patrols the Gulf of Rahen in search of adventure and glory.
-15% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Bazaar of Blood and IvoryThe most famous area of the grand city of Prukakhin was the 'Bazaar of Blood and Ivory', where one could find beautiful ivory sculptures and whale bone charms, as well as more exotic goods such as manticore quills and Roc eggs. The wet market was also an impressive sight, with everything from a terror bird of northern Haless to a baboon of Sarhal available for purchase.\n\nAnother must-visit location is the Kbasopok Slave Market, with 'merchandise' sourced from the gnolls of east Sarhal and the pirates of Yanshen. It is said that anything could be found and bought in the Bazaar.
+1 Merchants

Adaptable HuntersThe famed monster hunters of Prukakhin were first glorified poachers, scouts searching for new elephant herds to exploit. When the Day of Ashen Skies came, however, all sorts of strange and terrifying monsters began to stalk and stir during the night, and many of the elephant hunters found that their skills were transferable to slaying dangerous beasts.\n\nWhen the population of monsters in their homelands grew thin, they began to travel abroad, offering their monster-slaying services to the highest bidder. Be it monster, harimari or man, there will always be beasts to hunt and skin!
+10% Land Fire Damage

The Bloody Tusks'The tavern was quiet when they walked in, and when we turned to the entrance we could see why. It was the Cham Phouk, the Bloody Tusks, a ruthless band of poachers and mercenaries from Prukakhin, their armors crafted from the skin and bones of all sorts of queer and dangerous beasts. They were well known for their disregard of local laws and lack of constraint, as the company was founded from the over-hunting of elephants in their homelands. The extinction of their local elephant population led to the Cham Phuok to be tasked with continuing the trend overseas in their Sarhal colonies, with or without the consent of the locals.'\n-Eborthíl Merchant Dustin Whittington
-20% Mercenary Maintenance

Grand AmbitionsOur grand nation may appear to be a mere city-state, but we have great ambitions. We shall gain dominance over east Sarhal and form a great colonial empire, stripping our colonies of riches for the glory of Prukakhin.\n\nBut why stop there? We look to the east eagerly, at lands long lost and forgotten, ripe for settlement and exploitation. Our hunters are always eager for a new challenge; these new lands will be our greatest prize yet.
+1 Colonists

Oyster WarsIn 1765, the Raheni colonies in Sarhal signed a pact to end oyster dredging around the gulf and consolidate each nation's competing oyster companies into a single monopoly. The city council of Prukakhin ignored the law and funded pirates to poach and dredge the oyster-rich waters. These transgressions led to the pirates battling local fishermen, providing an excellent training ground for future Prukakhin sailors to cut their teeth in the Oyster Wars.
+10% Trade Power Abroad
+10% National Sailors Modifier

+10% Goods Produced Modifier


