Portnammer Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Trade Efficiency

Portnamm Free CompaniesOur status as one of the last great gnomish cities has attracted a number of Taldoud mercenaries - let us hire them to protect our home.
-25% Mercenary Maintenance

To Find What Was LostWhile our brethren in Nimscodd squabble with the barbarians over the ruins of the Dragon Coast, our farsighted leaders look west for our future. The ancient elven homeland of ashen-skied Aelantir is said to be rife with riches aplenty to found a new Hierarchy...
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors
+33% Colonial Range

The Portroy Merchants GuildAlthough many mercantile organizations exist within the busied streets of Portnamm, none are as storied -or infamous- as the dreaded Portroy Merchants Guild, whose ruthless tactics have come to be feared as much as any free company. Let us leverage their influence to ply our wares far abroad.
+10% Global Trade Power

Gnomish HulksBiting quips from other races aside, it is a well known fact that despite our diminutive size, we gnomes produce the largest ships still seaworthy. As colonial fervor in Aelantir reaches fever pitch, it has become clear that larger, more powerful warships are necessary to maintain dominance over the seas; we must press our advantage and rule the waves.
-5% Heavy Ship Cost
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

The Portnamm MintThe Mint at Portnamm is the largest mint outside of the Empire and is singularly responsible for most of the monetary supply in Western Cannor. Traders the world over have come to appreciate the stable value of Portnammer currency, especially in troubled times.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Creek Gnome Comedic TheatreSince time immemorial, we Creek Gnomes have held a laxer and more carefree attitude than our sullen cliff-dwelling cousins. This has spawned a vibrant tradition of comedic theatrical productions sought after the world over, from lofty Lorent to roughshod rural Gawed.
+15% Improve Relations
+1 Yearly Prestige

Artificer Sparkdrive MkIIWhile our neighbors may stereotype us as more whimsical than our kin, never let it be said that Portnamm was devoid of typical gnomish cunning or intellect; while we did not invent the fabled Sparkdrive, it was a cabal of Portnammer artificers who perfected the techno-magical weapon and revolutionized its use on the battlefield.
+20% Land Fire Damage

+20% Trade Steering