Pordhatti Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-33% State Maintenance

The New SenaptiPordhatti was not a Senapti for most of its history. A peaceful state dedicated mostly to farming and fishing along the upper Kharunyana, the advance of the Command changed everything for the region. The Raja elevated the Prabhi of Pordhatti to the position of Senapti after the destruction of the Kingdom of Tiltaghar, granting them significant responsibilities to secure the northern border. Despite the vocal doubts of many at court, the small state embracied their new responsibilities with great zeal and proved their worth to their fellow Warlords, rapidly building a strong army and adminitration that showed none of the laziness and complacency that had become so common among their southern brethren.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Militarization against the Northern ThreatThe transition from a secure Prabhi into a Senapti on the front line against the Command required a major shift in the defense needs and efforts of Pordhatti’s government. Conscription programs were initiated to ensure a well trained population that could be called up in times of war, while those who were not fit for combat were pressed into duty to build fortifications at all likely points of attack along the Kharunyana. This aggressive militarization effort was stressful on the region’s economy, but did succeed greatly shoring up regional defenses.
+10% Fort Defence
+5% Morale of Armies

Upper Kharunyana Carp FisheriesThe waters just above the Great Bend, the 90 degree twist in the Kharunyana that loops around the northern edge of Mount Tughayasa, are cool and crisp, filled with nutrients and excellent for both drinking and irrigation.\n\nHere, carp are plentiful and irrigation ditches have been dug to water bountiful fields that ensure no one in Pordhatti goes hungry - and when there is plenty of food to go around, there is plenty to be sold as well, the profits of which help fill the coffers of the local government.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Eight Accords of SarnavanThe Hobgoblins were not a threat only to the Harimraj, but also to the independent Ruin Kingdoms that were sandwiched between the advancing command and the lordships of Pordhatti and Tiltaghar. While conducting separate diplomacy with independent realms was generally frowned upon by the court in Dhenijansar, the lords of Pordhatti ignored this directive and signed multiple treaties with the independent realm of Sarnavan so as to present a united front against further aggression from the Command.\n\nThese treaties, eight in total, encompassed pacts of non-hostility, mutual defense and cooperation against the northern armies, as well as promoted easing of trade restrictions on the border that the two states shared signed between the Allied Ruin Kingdoms led by Sarnavan and Pordhatti.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Birthplace of The VinashkarLegendary Painter and Calligrapher Indrana Lalikesh Vinashkar was born in Pordhatti in 1492 AA to a family of middle-caste merchants. Though art was generally considered a profession for the high castes, young Vinashkar displayed incredible talent and at age 11 was sent to Khiraspid to study with the master painters.\n\nHere, he proved to be equal parts brilliant and unconventional, bucking established wisdom and producing unique works that revolutionized Raheni painting. The undisputed master of using light and shadow to create paintings with an unearthly etherealness to them, Vinashkar is considered the founder of the Alachaya school of painting in Haless, a style that would be dominant in the east for over 75 years after his death in 1539 AA.
-10% Idea Cost

Battle of Elephant GorgeThe Wars of The Vizierate provided the perfect opportunity for the Command to invade the Raj, and they did so in 1507, advancing in 3 columns across the Kharunyana. The forces of the Lion Command crossed the river at Elephant Gorge, a steep walled canyon that was narrow enough to span with mobile bridges. Though outnumbered and with little hope of relief, the brave warriors of Pordhatti fought the invaders both on the high cliffs above and in the rushing river of the gorge itself.\n\nFor three days the Hobgoblins were held at bay, the terrain minimizing their advantages in numbers and tactics. The fourth day of battle, however, would see the Bloodsong Orcs make a suicidal charge across the gorge to break the human lines. Though nearly a quarter of the Bloodsong fell, the defenders were overwhelmed and pushed back as the hobgoblins streamed across the river, now unimpeded. Elephant Gorge secured, Pordhatti would fall soon after.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Navanyodhi CultureIn the propaganda of the Raj, The Hobgoblins were portrayed as a demonic force that would destroy Rahen entirely if they succeeded in their conquests. The reality of occupation by the northern invaders was, in fact, significantly less apocalyptic than many had been led to believe. While they were certainly demanding and unforgiving, life under the Hobgoblins did not differ significantly from life under the Harimari. If one was competent and obeyed the strict laws of The Command, they could rise high in its bureaucracy or military, regardless of their race or caste. This offered a much higher degree of social mobility than many had ever experienced before, and the level of resistance to the occupiers was much lower than outside observers expected.\n\nAs the years went on, and the occupying hobgoblins permanently established control over the upper Kharunyana, they left their mark upon the culture of the human population under their control. Military discipline, honor, and community became ever more important, reshaping the society into what the hobgoblins called the Wuhyun. The people of upper Rahen had their own name for this culture - Navanyodhi, the New Warriors.
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier

+5% Discipline