Plumsteader Ideas

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-25% Administrative Advisor Cost
+20% Institution Spread

From Exploration to ExpeditionThanks to the beneficent protection of the Magisterium, the Plumwall Exploration Society, a guild of scholarly adventure was one of the few significant institutions to survive the savage Wexonards' scourging of our motherland, when the Plumcloaks fell and the orchards burned. Sheltered under the mages' wing, the Society's expertise in the study of ruins and relics proved instrumental in the excavation and exploration of old Damenath.\n\nWith a litany of smaller successes to boot, the Plumwall Exploration Society was able to cash in on the goodwill of their patrons, calling in every favor to see themselves across the Lament, and into Aelantir. Now, calling upon the finest of their kin from old Plumwall, the newly forged Plumwall Expedition has set off into the expanse to unearth the truth of the past and plant new orchards beneath their own banner. Hail Plumstead! May her branches stretch to the heavens and bear fruit evermore!
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors

Raggedy Knights of the ExpanseWhile many of Aelantir's young nations reject the Ruinborn, we hail them as our champions and saviors. When the ravaging rocksliders, the stone-skinned Posakawa whales of the great expanse threatened to devour our nation whole, we were saved by the bold charge of a raggedy knight wrapped in hides, pottery, and scavenged metal plates.\n\nWhile losing homesteads and farms to the stalactite-jaws of the creatures was nothing new, on this terrible day, a whale the size of a mountain bore down on a path set to take it straight through our capital. A lone trail of dust thundered across the plains as our people cowered in certainty of their impending doom, the Epednar knight plunged his lance into the beast's eye as it rushed upon him, the rocks that encrusted its skin flying in every direction as if shot from a trebuchet, the now-weightless creature lifting off into the sky like a kite caught in the wind.\n\nSince that day, the raggedy knights of the Epednar have been hailed as our own Adenners of the Ynnic plain, their swift riders curbing every enemy and delivering the same salvation when the tide of battle turns grim, their arrows and lances shattering even the boldest of our foes.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability

Taming the ExpanseWhile lesser minds would skulk in the thick foliage that lines the banks of the Isobel seeing the margins of our new homeland as a barren wasteland of grass, we scholars of Plumstead know that the rich black soil it hides is the finest in the world. And armed with this knowledge, our plum-ponchoed settlers strike out into the endless grassland to find the finest patches of soil to till, bringing their families, and the venerable seeds of their ancestral orchards. We may never recreate the precise taste that Plumwall's soil instills in our fruit, but we've more than enough time and space to weave wondrous new flavors to put our home to shame.\n\nWhile our people and land may be sparse for now, we dream of a day where a cabin or a dug-out will adorn every hill and valley of our slice of the Expanse, surrounded by orchards and gardens, marked off and kept safe by an impenetrable wall of the bramble-lance hedge trees from which our Epednar allies fashion their bows.
+15% Production Efficiency

The University of the DameStanding as the proud temple to our values and virtue, the University of the Dame is the beating heart of Plumstead, where every curious mind within our lands may come to bloom as a tree in the orchard of our nation. One of the first institutions of our land, the university grew out of the first tents and huts scraped up from the banks of Cathfei, and the most convenient place to hold classes, with lecture halls taking a class on the flora and fauna of the plains one hour, and a session of our administrators to delegate budgets the next.\n\nWhile we've naturally formalized since then and moved education and administration into their own homes, the campus remains open and shared between the two, our most influential politicians happily sitting through lectures shoulder to shoulder with the poorest plum-farmer's child, the ideas of each flowing into the other, our nation thriving in the healthy, if not harmonious discourse that this cultivates.
-5% Technology Cost

Plumhair MustangWhile the silver-blue coat of the Ainéthíl Courser or the great crest of the Antler Horse might have formerly clashed for the title of the world's most curious equine, the mage-breed Plumhair Mustang has cantered leagues ahead of both in its curious nature. Bred by some of Cathfei's most eccentric minds, these creatures are fed from birth with a special mixture infused with the magically potent Damesplum.\n\nThis accumulated power grants great endurance, an unyielding spirit, and most distinctively a keenly purple coat vibrant as the noble locks of the Sarda. While rumors of these steeds suddenly rampaging or imploding like a flaky mage persist, one can find a hundred tales of their steadfast nature to quell each of these baseless rumors.
+10% Caravan Power
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

Proving of the PlumsEach year, the provinces of Plumstead hold their annual Proving, wherein the finest and most unique strains of our namesake fruit are presented and judged by our people. Sweet, sour, spicy, every taste, shape, and color that one could conceivably derive from the fruit can be found in the central contest of our favored festival. Familiar and exotic dishes interpreted through the lens of the plum, contests to distill the strongest Diohúis moonshine, all of these draw crowds from across the Ynn to celebrate our harvests.\n\nBeyond the plums, the festival offers public lectures, a brilliant variety of games, and artificed novelties like the debut of Halann's first automatic carousel. The only limit to the possibilities is how much fun one can squeeze in before the brandy plasters them to the dirt.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Saint PahayonPahayon of Plumstead, our most revered saint is honored as the culmination of our dual heritage from Cannor and the Ynn, a shining example of the erudite ideal, and an inspiration to Ravelians all across Halann. Pahayon was an Epednar naturalist, a Ravelian rector whose brilliance came in the convergence of Plumwaller and Epednar expertise. He combined techniques, theories, proverbs and tales from both with Ravelian methodology in extensive studies of Plums, Antler Horses, and the very people of Plumstead.\n\nThrough his experiments and observations, he laid out the rules governing the inheritance of traits across generations, the framework of recessive and dominant that would enable the advanced agricultural science for which our nation is known.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

-10% Development Cost