Phaethmen Di

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Phaethmen Di

Primary Culture

+10% Global Trade Power
+10% Production Efficiency

The Free GonThe great kingdom of Nagon has fallen, their kings are no more than puppets to the Khom. With such weakness and cowardice behind the throne of the Gon, we had no choice but to strike out on our own, forging a new Gon kingdom free from the craven hands of old and liberated from the tyrannical Khom.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Sugar KingNowhere else in the world does more sugar flow, our countryside lush in vast fields of sugarcane, the saccharine gold running through our streets aplenty. All of Haless knows where their sugar must come from, and we are more than willing to supply them.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Pnung TisakkarPnung Tisakkar is the great temple of Skarkaophe, built centuries ago by the city's founders to bring them in closer contact with the spirits and their ancestors. The monks that have maintained the shrines of the complex since lead our people in worship, educating them with folk tales and ancient manuscripts.
+1 Missionaries

PhaemrukPhaemruk is the ship-building district of Skarkaophe, completely built around producing as many vessels as the king demands, as swiftly as possible. The shipwrights live in the district, just yards from their worksites, and a supply chain from our deeper jungle holdings makes sure they are well supplied with quality lumber.
+15% Naval Force Limit Modifier

RontehplinOur soldiers march with rations of a drink unique to our kingdom. Rontehplin is an extraordinarily sweet and thick beverage, almost like syrup, that fills our armed forces with the energy required to march throughout the nights and fight through any hardship. Though the crash may be quite severe, we are assured that they'll complete their tasks before it arrives.
+5% Morale of Armies
+8% Movement Speed

Setholi ResortsAs Cannorians pour in from across the sea, we've come to realize that our usual accommodations for dignitaries simply are not enough. Along our coastline are the grand Setholi, opulent manors where one can enjoy all the amenities Phaethmen Di can offer, where even a peasant can live like a king so long as they subsidize us sufficiently.
-1% Prestige Decay

Saccharine GardenSurrounding Skarkaophe and running between the districts of the city is the legendary Saccharine Garden, a resplendent terrace of sugarcane and intensely aromatic flowers that brings a unique aura to the city, one that visitors are hard pressed to ever forget.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

+10% Trade Efficiency


