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Primary Culture

-15% Fort Maintenance
-10% Idea Cost

The Old Man of PhabarLegend has it that in the deepest recesses of the lowest levels of the oldest building in Phabar, lives the Old Man. The Old Man knows everything there is to know about Phabar, and they say he has been here before anyone else has. The Old Man is sometimes a woman, and occasionally a hobgoblin, but he is always old. He has seen the beginning of days when the Goddess Pathim first lifted the Kharunyana out of the depths of the earth, and his breath is the rise and fall of empire.\n\nIf you ever meet the Old Man, you will not recognize him, for shriveled up in his bundle of clothes he is like any other beggar or traveler. But if you do identify him, he is obligated to answer any one question you have. Unlike the Oracle on Mount Tughayasa, he cannot see the future, but it is said that he can see anything which has come before. He walks backwards through the streets of the city, unable to spot the path in front of him but eternally conscious of the past.
+20% Average Monarch Lifespan

Last Bastion Against the Command"I chanced upon the Old Man of Phabar in a tavern down Nadisarka Way. He was short in stature that morning, and of a rather surly demeanor. When I presented him with a drink and named him as he was, he relented to answer a question of mine. 'How did Phabar come to be?' The eyes of the Old Man shone with brilliance as he let out a low, alcohol-stenched sigh.\n\n'Remember ye a time before the hobgoblins were on our city’s borders. That was when the air was new, and when the ground knew not yet a permanent form (the mountains were smaller, then). The hobgoblins lived in the mountains (and they were shorter then, too). But when they outgrew the small tunnels and crevasses, then they poured out the mountain and into our lands. All good folk ran, retreating from the hobgoblin threat. They came here, upon this fort, and from the raw work of these refugees grew the city that we know today, which yet holds out against the northern tribes.'\n\nFrom the other table, someone rolled their eyes. 'Ah, don’t listen to him. Son probably ran off with some red-skinned harlot.'"\n -The Diary of Sahdev Pechys: dated Cedesday the 27th of Nerament, 1069 AA\n
-5% Development Cost
+15% Garrison Size

True Heirs of the Hobgoblins"FAZOKU: When I journeyed south, I was told I was an outsider. When I went back north, I was told my tribe was dead and that I was an orphan. The humans of the south say that they used to live in the north, the hobgoblins north say we ought to take over the south. I cannot distinguish between right and wrong, only left and right.\n\nSUNDARI: My family weeps! They cannot see past their walls of iron or their hearts of steel, they cannot see the love that binds us, binds our two people! They cannot see that the land which borders the mountain’s edge is that which joins, not that which separates! It is our duty to reunite—yet we cannot.\n\nFAZOKU: Then I shall live apart from you, dear, seeing you as the Sun sees the Moon, a sparkle on the horizon, a gesture across the sunset."\n -The Dance of Two, performed onstage at the Phabar City Center 1132 AA. Transcripted and translated by Selussa Faranzuir.
-10% Regiment Drill Loss
-15% Spy Action Cost Modifier

The Great Hurly-Burly"Today I stood in the city center, where yet another emissary of yet another nation declared that his master was now also master over the city of Phabar. No one paid him any mind except the city’s tax official, who asked for an address to which to send tribute. I leaned over to the beggar next to me and asked, 'Why is it, old man, that no one seems to care when the city is conquered? Where is the wailing, the gnashing of teeth?'\n\nThe beggar grunted. '‘Tis the Hurly-Burly, child, the great game that gods and emperors play with Phabar. We are a token on a board to be moved hither and thither, going I-know-not-where and traded for I-know-not-what. What is another change in administration, after you’ve been through nine or ten? The people of Phabar are used to this by now.'\n\nI frowned. 'But are we all just pieces in this great game of yours? Does Phabar have a representative, a player at the table?'\n\nThe beggar merely smiled. 'You only get one question, child.'"\n -Writings of a Pilgrim, 1251 AA
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Traders on the Eastern EdgeOur city stands on one of the Kharunyana’s many tributaries, the river that runs through the city center a suitable stopping point for merchants making their annual ambulations. We also border the largest gathering of the Wolf Hobgoblins, who reside north in Kradhungur. Every year in the autumn, they travel south and request entry into our city, to trade their furs and wools for dyed cloth and more complex steel tools. They often bring copper from the Boar tribes, and sometimes even glass or gems from the Lions (very rarely, there is mithril from the mines). When the tribes are at war, there is less to offer.\n\nThen every spring, when the freshet makes the Punjaran run rapid, the human merchants arrive to pack their boats with hobgoblin goods from the Serpentspine and bring it further down the Kharunyana. This trade between settled peoples and hobgoblin tribes, and our role within it, is what enables our city coffers to stay full.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Our Ten-Thousand-Ton Goddess"'Are the gods real?'\n\nI was skeptical about the Old Man and his ability to answer my question. If there were an Old Man, surely he wouldn’t be out and about in the city streets, certainly not since the hobgoblin takeover. Besides, the Old Man is almost never an orc.\n\nNevertheless, the Old Man led me outside the city, following the river as it rose upstream. We traveled for days, stopping at hobgoblin encampments for shelter. The border that used to separate these lands was gone now. Finally, we came to a place which could only be described as the edge of the world, a thousand tons of water rushing down a cliff as sheer as a newborn’s backside. The Old Man raised one gnarled finger, guiding my vision up to a set of statues that sat alongside the waterfall. The Godswall. 'There she is,' the Old Man smiled, 'the goddess. Do you hear her glorious song?' I looked nervously around. Such talk was forbidden by the Great Command.\n\nThe Old Man shook his head and sighed. 'The Kharunyana, girl. Can you hear it? It rules our lives, our fields which rise and fall in accordance with its droughts and floods. It carries merchants and kings, breathes life into our city. It is our god, and it is real.'"\n -Gods Won and Lost, Authored by Amro Sandhawalia (Wuhyun name Akura), published 1498 AA
+10% Production Efficiency

Eternally Unbroken'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Commander Bhalla of Pirhakad, 855 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Commander Prithichand of Pirhakad, 912 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Leader Dharem of Sarilavhan, 1016 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Leader Ratan Kaur of Marukhad, 1024 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Hero Ultarion of the Phoenix Empire, 1083 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -General Har Krishan of Sarilavhan, 1251 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -General Kalyan Gakhkhar of Khadisrapur, 1403 AA\n\n'The Revolution of Phabari Independence has been crushed, the people’s spirits broken. We expect no more resistance.'\n -Marshal Mekuwon Boarborn of the Great Command, 1730 AA
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal

+15% Reform Progress Growth


