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Primary Culture

+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Morale of Armies

With a Little Help From My FriendsGoverning is all about delegating. No one can do everything. The archfey, who we have made extensive pacts with in the past, rely on our warlocks to make their sometimes incomprehensible agendas a reality. The chain of delegation doesn’t stop there, though. As we may work for the archfey, other fey may work for us.\n\nOne example is the Aralez. These fey come in the shape of winged dogs and are exceptional at carrying mail and messages, all for a bit of consistent attention. Another common fey we work with are fairies. They can be difficult partners, but are excellent consequences for missed taxes. And we shouldn’t forget a favorite of all administrators, Dobies. Scarcely coming up to a goblin’s knees, Dobies will faithfully copy any text or writ given a pact for a warm hearth.\n\nSuffice to say, we’ve gotten very good at delegating. It’s no wonder that our clan functions smoother than so many others.
-20% State Maintenance

Blooming SanctuaryOur clan had never seen true war, not really. The occasional skirmishes with Salla Scotha for resources and glory could not prepare us for the war of annihilation when the orcs came to the Flower Grove. We were pressed to the corner of the grove almost immediately, facing death or enslavement. It was then that a gate opened in the middle of our camp, and a fey in the form of an ancient goblin stepped out. He introduced himself as Lord Blossom, and offered us shelter (undeterred by the arrows and javelins coming his way). In our desperation, many of us accepted his invitation, in spite of our ancient teachings.\n\nWe spent what must have been ten years in his orchard, alongside faeries, pixies, and other fey creatures, learning their languages, eating their fruit, some of us even studying their magic. When we returned to the grove, we found nothing but ruin and corpses. The clan Petalmasher that came out of Lord Blossom’s orchard a week after it had entered it was not the same as the one that entered. But our hosts had taught us well of debt and repayment: we now had an obligation to become the same sanctuary to others.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Poisonous PetalsThree cups powder of glimmerrose, one cup powder of Zixek’s lilac, enough water to dissolve it into, and then one cup squeezed conewort. That last one’s just to make it sticky, really. You really don’t want this nasty stuff dripping off your blade onto your fingers. Be careful though, if you’ve stuck your sword into an orc it might mix with the blood and start dripping anyways, so wipe that stuff off and dip your sword back into the poison bucket as soon as you can. As for the orc, don’t worry, it only takes a couple seconds to take effect.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

For Our Patrons.. and UsBy now, everyone knows how closely coupled our clan is with the fey. It is natural for others to assume that our clan’s actions are not just our own choosing, but also our patrons’. We’ve found this to be particularly useful during peace negotiations.\n\nMore than once, as we sat across from defeated foes carving out our rightful winnings, we’ve found the threat of invoking our patrons’ wrath to be enough to quiet any protests. After all, what’s the loss of one more province compared to the anger of the archfey?
-15% Province War Score Cost

Leaf to GoldMost goblins of our clan can mix a poison out of petals, but some take to much more extensive experimentation. They wonder why certain powders in slightly different mixtures can result in anything ranging from paralysis, the corrosion of metals, thick clouds of colorful gasses, or even explosions.\n\nThe nature of these experiments does not usually reward would-be alchemists with long lives. But those who do survive the years are celebrated for their discoveries and etched into clan memory. For who could forget Glob the Golden who discovered how to turn his skin a shiny gold? Or Deaf Ekcho, whose concoctions caused one’s voice to reverberate for hours across the glades? Who’s to say what the next great goblin will invent?
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Flower and FeyWhen we left the orchard of Lord Blossom, we were given a large basket of seeds as a parting gift. Most were simply to reseed our farms that the orcs had plundered and burned, but one of them was special: a Petég apple seed from his own apple trees; an impossible gift, as the magical Petég apples of the Feyrealm have no core and contain no seeds.\n\nBut after the seed grew into a tree, we were amazed to find it yielded more than beautiful blossoms and ambrosia-tasting apples. The tree was a conduit for the life magic of the Feyrealm, making the plants around it grow with such speed that you can actually see the berries form on the bramble bushes. Our warlocks have been able to further direct this magic, steering it towards our farms and fields the way less-attuned beings might channel water, and bringing us yields we could not have imagined in our wildest fey-touched dreams.
+10% Production Efficiency

Secrets of the FeyThe ignorant believe that the Fey are bound to the Feyrealm. And fools assume that the only connection between Halann and the Feyrealm is the Deepwoods. We are neither ignorant nor foolish. \n\nGiven enough will and power, a fey can cross into our world. And, throughout not just Cannor but all of Halann, there are many portals tucked away connecting our plane and the Fey’s. Perfect for the Fey we have pacts with to cross through.\n\nFrom these crossings, these fey have seen many things. They’ve heard many whispers of knowledge. And sometimes they deign to share those with us.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces


